Chapter 14: The Decision

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

The Cullens and Swans return to Forks, Washington. The brother and sister decide to take a visit to check on their father before they depart with their significant other.

Of course, Edward goes as well with his precious, hurting Bella. Ew.

Lilith's POV

We make it to the house, and Dad immediately rushes outside as Edward carries Bella in. He immediately halts all action by grabbing Bella from him. "What the hell are you doing here?!" He asks, yelling at the vampire boy.

Edward stares down at the ground awkwardly in pain. "I'm just here to drop off Bella, sir. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble for you," he attempts to apologize.

Dad ignores his words and glares at him. "Stay the hell away from my kids," he seethes out before dragging a dull Bella inside. I look over at Alec, and we smile at each other before going inside.

When we walk in, Papa bear is standing at the bottom of stairs rubbing his temples. He looks over at us. "I don't know what's gotten into her," he says tiredly.

Alec lets out a snort. "Definitely not Edward," he jokes. Dad rolls his eyes at him before heading towards his room. Alec then turns to me. "I'm heading to Jake's, buh-bye," he announces before skipping on out the door. Unbelievable.


Bella decides to call a meeting, possibly over bullshit

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Bella decides to call a meeting, possibly over bullshit. It's only been a few hours since we got back and she's trying to run shit. We all are staring a Bella as she's supposedly the center of attention for the moment, I guess.

"You all know what I want," she starts off. "And I know how much I'm asking for. The only thing I can think of for it to be fair is to just vote."

From behind her, Edward states, "You don't know what you're talking about."

She swiftly turns around and tells him to shut up. Hmm, interesting. Bella then turn back to us. "Alice?" She calls out.

Alice gives her an uneasy look before sharing a look with Jasper. Alec then clears his throat, catching everyone's attention. "There's no need to vote, you're already going to die soon," he says nonchalantly.

Bella stares in bewilderment. "Alec!" Edward exclaims glaring at my brother. I move a step further in the vampire's direction.

"It's true. Also, it would be rude to change her when a very special person will be here shortly," I sneer, teasing Edward.

He stares at me with slight confusion. Alec smirks at his expression. "The mad king's princess," he announces. Edward's eyes grow wide as Bella turns red with anger.

Just then, a knock is heard. Elijah moves to open the door. He opens the door to reveal our princess.

"Hello," she greets shyly with an Italian accent

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"Hello," she greets shyly with an Italian accent.

Esme smiles brightly at her. "Please, come in," she insists. The princess walks in elegantly, dragging her suitcases.

She places her stuff down and introduces herself. "I'm Syna Volturi, biological daughter of Caius Volturi," she says.

Bella glares at her. "What are you doing here? You feed off of humans!" She spat.

I smirk at Bella. "I have a way with words," I note to her.

"Syna will be here for how long she believes to be to pursue her fated love

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"Syna will be here for how long she believes to be to pursue her fated love. Therefore, your want for immortality will be pit on hold," Alec announces cheerfully.

"The decisions been made. No one a part of the Cullen clan is allowed to change you for the time being. Meeting adjourned," Elijah says and everyone begins to leave and resume to their activities.

The three of them, Syna, Bella, and Edward, all stare at each other. Allow for the games to begin.

A/N:  Sorry for this short chapter. We've finally finished with New Moon and can move on the Eclipse. I've already started on the spin off of this book of Jake and Alec's lives after everything. That book will be a little "wild" you could say. It's finally summer for me. I'll try to update daily, but I'll be busy with getting a job, my permit, and summer assignments for my Honors classes. Once that's all figured out, I'll give y'all a schedule. That's all, love y'all.

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