Chapter 11: Bella Knows

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Throughout the entire newfound transformation for Jacob, Alec, Lilith, and Elijah have all been around to try and help him as best as they could. Alec never leaves Jacob's side.

With the new strength and other changes that have taken place in Jake's body, his need for sex has as well, Alec tries to reign him down, but the horny teenager just can't get enough. For instance, the young couple are currently wrapped up with one another in Jake's bed, while it rains.

Alec's POV

Jake lets out a moan as I trail kisses down his neck, sucking on his weak spot. "D-don't leave a mark," he whimpers underneath.

 "D-don't leave a mark," he whimpers underneath

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I smirk against his skin at his words. I graze my teeth against his spot, resulting in him letting out another moan. I move over towards his ear. "Why not, puppy?" I ask him teasingly with the nickname I gave him after he shifted.

He whimpers again helplessly. "I don't w-want them to t-tease me during patrol," Jake stutters. I put my teasing to a halt and raise myself up a bit, using my hands hold myself up.

I smile down at him. "You're are so fucking adorable, puppy," I compliment him. He blushes and tries to face away from. "Nooo, look at me. I want to see your beautiful face." I softly grab his jaw and make him look at me.

Our sweet moment is cut off by Jake's alarm going off, notifying that he has to go for patrol. He pouts adorably at the realization. "I don't want to leave you," he whines as he continues to pout.

I kiss his pout away. "It's okay, I'll be here when you get back. We can continue with our fun later," I assure, teasing him a bit.

He smiles brightly before he begins to look sad again, making me worry. "How can you enjoy it? You've always liked to pull my hair, and now you can't. How can you enjoy it?" Jake asks.

I only shrug my shoulders. "I'll always find a way. I always find a way to have you screaming my name," I reassure him, teasing him a bit.

He lets out a offended scoff and hits my chest jokingly. I only let out a laugh and get off of him. Jake sits up and starts putting on his shoes. "Can you walk me out?" He asks, looking up at me.

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