Chapter 15: Trouble & Rescues

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3rd POV

Lilith and Elijah had returned back to the Cullen residence later that night

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Lilith and Elijah had returned back to the Cullen residence later that night. Esme, of course, lectured them about their actions.

The next day, the family decided to have a game of baseball. Alice had predicted that the weather would be nice enough, in their opinion, to play.

Now, the family, excluding Edward, are at an open field area to play. Both Elijah and Lilith oblivious to what troubles are headed their way.

Lilith's POV

"Okay, what the hell are we waiting for?" I asks, annoyed about how long we've been standing here for

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"Okay, what the hell are we waiting for?" I asks, annoyed about how long we've been standing here for.

"We're waiting for Edward, he says that he'll be coming to join us," Alice says cheerfully as Jasper caresses her arm.

Such a cute couple. "Wait, are you even playing?" Emmett asks, looking over towards me as he and Elijah warm up. God, Elijah looks hot

"Um, have you seen my shoes. I'm not playing in these," I tell him in a "duh" tone.

"I can lend you some shoes that I don't care about," Rosalie suggests. I nod my head in agreement.

"Thank you, Rosie Posie," I say nd walk towards her car with her to grab them. As we start to head over, Edward pulls up, but not alone.

He brought Bella

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," I say aloud, staring daggers into Edward's soul. They both walk over towards us.

"How did I not see this coming?" Alice says sadly. Jasper kisses her forehead, reassuring her that it wasn't her fault.

Elijah comes up behind me, his playful mood fully gone. "There's going to be a problem, I guarantee you," he says. I bald up my fist in anger, knowing my powers are starting to acting.

"I want her dead," my Russian side coming out.

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