Chapter 7: Motorcycles

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3rd POV

It's been a while since the last event happened. It is currently January 17, 2006. It has been month since the event of the Lilith and Elijah took place. Ever since then, they haven't been able to stay away from one another.

Similar to Alec's and Jacob's situation. Alec, being wary that someone may try to get in between their mate bond. Because Jacob doesn't know about their bond, he believes that Alec is being overprotective and paranoid.

The only thing is that Alec just may be right. Zombella has finally made an appearance after Charlie had threatened to make her go back to her mother's. Bella disregarded his attempts and decided to go out with Jessica to prove herself. While with Jessica, she has the idea of jumping on some random dude's bike because the adrenaline allowed "Edward" to appear by her side.

Now, Bella's newfound bike and adrenaline obsession may mess with Alec's and Jacob's bond.

Jacob's POV

I'm in the garage working on the Rabbit, which is what I just call my 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit, when I hear the backfire of a familiar truck pull in. I rush out of the garage to see that it's who pulled in.

(Quick A/N: Jake doesn't know of the fued between Alec and Bella. He only sees Bella as a friend and sort of a mentor considering that they grew up being close to one another)

Bella jumps out the truck, and I rush towards her with a smile. "Bella! Where the hell have you been, Loca?" I ask her, pulling her into a hug.

We pull away from each other. She chuckles a bit, pushing her hair back, then let's out a heavy sigh. Pointing towards the back of her truck, Bella says, "I...uh brought you something."

Turning around to open the back of her truck, I look at her confused. "Okay," I say. I wait patiently as Bella letsthe back of her truck down, the sound of metal clinking can be heard.

"It's a little crazy," she notes, looking back at me. I don't respond and just wait for her to pull back the tarp. When she does so, I see two damaged motorcycles. Seriously?

"Wow," I say sarcastically. "Scrap metal. You shouldn't have."

"I saved it from the junkyard," she says. I nod my head, still looking at the bikes still. She clears her throat. "I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth, but then I thought that if I had a mechanic friend to help me out, then..."

Finally understanding what's she trying to do, I ask, "Ah! Me being the mechanic-type friend?"

"That's right," she says, looking between me and the bikes nervously.

Pressing on the matter even more, I ask her, "Since when are you into motorcycles?"

Bella then rushes out, "Since now." I look at her weirdly. There's a pregnant pause in the atmosphere.

What the hell she got going on. Bella then decides to speak up first. "I get it if you think that this is really stupid and reckless,"she says.

"Yeah, I mean, it's completely stupid and reckless," I agree. Though I love things like that. I see her face fall. "When do we start?"

I'm basically jumping in excitement at this point. Wait, would Alec be mad if I did this? My train of thought is cut off by Bella saying, "Um... now. Please?"

I let out a fake chuckle. "All right," I say before rushing past her to get the bikes from the back of her truck.

Bella attempts to throw a warning my way by saying, "Uh, hey, be careful. Those things are actually really heavy, so..."

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