Chapter 5- Hogwarts Express

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Warning- A mental breakdown is shown at the beginning of the chapter.


As time passed, I only had a couple of weeks left to go to this Wizarding World school, and I basically prepared myself every night.

Mom and Sevi stopped letting me join them in the fight with the enforcers since I needed to learn a lot about the Wizarding World. 

I self-taught myself some spells and redid them over and over again until I mastered them. I also carefully took notes of the potions since I only got limited supplies.

Thanks to the Shimmer, I can remember every spell, charm, and potion in case I need to prove the teachers there.

Although I had to wait and take care of my pet owl, I named her Hedwig; I wasn't too worried about passing all my exams.

'I wonder if I'll make friends. Maybe even a boyfriend or girlfriend, hehe...'

I always consider myself weird, but I like both boys and girls and develop crushes. However, I couldn't do much since the war always took my time. 

I already came out as Bisexual to both Mom and Sevi a couple of years ago, and they took 

As I started reading the book about the difference between Light, Grey, and Dark magic cores, my mind began to overwhelm me.

'Not again,' I thought before getting up to sit on my bed.

'You let us down!!' James's voice shouted.

'How could you do this to us?!' Lily's voice yelled.

"Stop; stop it..." I pleaded.

'This is all your fault!!' Remus's voice exploded.

'We all hate you, you monster!!' Sirius's voice clamored.

My mind was pounding with the voices shouting over me as they surrounded my body until I felt down and curled like a ball.

"Please, no more..." I cried.

I felt something touching my hand and was brought back to reality thanks to my owl.

She cooed over my hand, and I felt my breath slowing down as I petted her.

"Heh, guess I did make the right call," I mumbled, feeling sleepy.

As if she was reading my mind, she grabbed a blanket and tucked it in.

"Thanks, Hedwig..." I mumbled before falling into a deep sleep, not having nightmares for once.


"You have everything ready?" Mom asked as she and Sevi were about to see me leave.

"Yes, Mom. I have everything and back up everything in case I need extras," I said.

"Have your gun-" Sevi asked, but I flashed a key chain that I transfigured as my weapon.

"Right here. That way, no one will find out," I proudly said.

"Alright, then..."

We stood there for a few seconds before I sighed and hugged them.

Even though they absolutely hate hugs or any signs of touch, they're okay with me doing it.

"I'll see you whenever I  get the chance," I said before seeing them disappear behind the alley.

'Now, I have to find a way to get to this school. Let's see here...'

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