Chapter 2- Letter to Hogwarts- Wait, What?!

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"COME BACK HERE, JINX!!" I heard the Enforcers trying to catch my Mom.

'Not for long,' I giggled as I threw a bomb at them and- SPLASH! They got covered with paint.

"AH, CRAP!! IT'S THE JR.!!" They screamed. I laughed at their attempts of trying to get rid of the paint. 

I laughed because there's a twist with the paint- I added a unique type of burn. It took me nearly ten weeks to fully master it, but just like my Mom, I managed to accomplish it!

I could hear their screams, but I ignored them as Mom finally ran up to me.

I waved my finger at them, and we soon teleported. Another benefit for us- Mom and I are the only ones that can teleport. 

Once we landed on the floor, Sevika came in just a few moments later.

"One of these days, I'm going to kill you, Jinx," She said while glaring at her. 

"Of course not you, Mothy. I need you more than Jinx here."

I giggled while Mom shouted at Sevi.

"Nice work, by the way."

"Yeah, kiddo! I knew you could master my abilities, but I didn't expect you to excel at them!"

"Mom, you know I like being praised, but I don't like being in the spotlight."

"Oh, we know. We merely want to reassure you, kiddo!"

"Besides, you do better than Jinx over here."


I laughed because they usually bicker whenever I'm around, which I'm used to. It's especially amusing whenever they argue, and I could never stop laughing.

Once I stopped cracking up, I headed to my room, took off my clothes, and examined my body.

Over the years here at Zaun, I have gained many scars from battles against the Enforcers, Piltover, and, surprisingly, Mom's sister.

When I heard about Mom's sister, Vi, I was surprised at how sane she actually was.

I think that's one of the most significant moments Mom was truly serious.

Back to my body, I saw a massive scar on the left side of my leg. I think it was one of the moments Mom and Sevi worked together to save me. Maybe. 

I don't precisely remember the progress because I passed out from blood loss. 

It was funny how they ran to the doctor while I grasped for life. They could've teleported, but it was in the heat of the moment.

Long story short, that was when I obtained the Shimmer in me.

I guess the magic in me must've reacted towards the drug because when I woke up, I had Mom's blue hair and dangerous violet-pink eye.

It took a while to grasp control of the Shimmer, plus it makes me feel woozy when I use too much, but other than that, I'm fine. 

As I went to the bathroom to shower, I began humming a song Mom used to sing whenever I was young.

It was a melody that represented the darkness of the reality/life within us and the grim truth, nevertheless. 

My mind began fostering towards some of my memories, specially speaking: my old fam- Bleh, I can't even say it.

It was really a long time since I abandoned them, yet it's not like they would remember me. I bet they're happy I'm gone...

I shook my head, turned off the water, grabbed a towel to wrap around me, and headed toward my bed. 

When I was about to sit down, I saw a strange, neatly folded letter on my blankets. 

I seized my gun and pointed it toward it. I was wary of it and shot.

Nothing happened, and I grabbed the letter before fixing my blankets by using my magic.

I took a good look at it, and I saw my old name addressed to me as well as the location of the place.

'How the hell did this get here?!' I thought, hands shaking furiously.

'If someone tries to harm my family, I'll kill them...' 

I opened it and read through it. I was getting more bewildered as it addressed me to a school called Hogwarts. It explained what the school was, the name of the headmaster, and what "supplies" I needed for the year.

'This is stupid!!' I crumbled the paper and angrily headed to my Mom and Sevi.

Mom was about to say something, but she saw right through me that something was wrong.

"Mothy, what's-"

I slammed the paper onto the table and explained the situation to them.

They looked surprised rather than shocked, which I noticed, but then they asked me to sit.

"We kinda knew of the letter, Moth," Sevi started, glancing at the paper.

"Yeah, it's been bothering us so much that we shot any owls that dropped them," Mom calmly said- Wait, what?!

"Owls?! There was no mention of owls! Is that why we kept seeing dead birds anytime we went somewhere?"

"Yes, but they slowly decreased after September. That must be when school starts," Sevi comments.

"Don't get mad, Mothy..."

"I'm not mad, Mom. I mean, it's not like I have to go," I giggled.

Sevi and Mom did not giggle or laugh. They looked at each other before looking at me.

"This is hard for me to say this, Mothy, but..."

"We want you to go to school for the time being..." Sevi finished.

I paused, not moving at all. My mind was not comprehending at all what they said.

"What?" I whisper, showing my sinister look.

They weren't fazed by it, but Sevi explained that I needed to go to Hogwarts whether I liked it or not.

"Wha... Oh, hell no!" I shouted, slamming my hand and getting up.

"Why do I want to go to some stupid school when I have teachers here?!"

"Moth, let's be real. The teachers here suck, and one of them tried to kidnap you-"

"Until I kill him, Sevi-"

"-And we want to reassure your safety. Let's be real right now. You're the only one we can't afford to lose."

"And besides, if you go to that school, maybe you can pick up some nice lessons to help us win!" Mom shouted, her fist raising. 

"I guess, but..." I looked at them and sighed.

"This is my home- Zaun is my home. And I don't want to lose you two..." 'Because I can't stand losing people...'

"Kiddo, we'll be fine. Besides, we handled things before you came into our world," Sevi said while patting my head.

"Yep! Besides, we'll always be here in case you need us," Mom said before hugging me.

I took a deep breath and sighed as my mind made up the decision. I held my Mom's hand tight and wobblingly smiled.

"Guess I'm going to Hogwarts..."

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