Prologue- Disaster Strikes and a New Life Begins

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I imagine myself as someone who can't stand by people. People that look down upon you and erase your existence into nothing. That's what's going on in my life...

My whole life started when Voldemort entered the Potters' house on Halloween and intended to kill us.

Oh yes, good old Voldy. Way to ruin my life, dude. Not only did you fail to kill us, you actually cut your soul onto me, not on Quin.

How disappointing...

James and Lily survived the attack, and Albus Dumbledore announced to the entire Wizarding world that Quin was the Boy Who Lived.

How wrong he was...

It got worse as time with on.

At first, James and Lily did care for us equally and without favoritism. But after age three, they started to gush over Quin, leaving me to defend myself.

Anything could happen at my age with tamper tantrums, but I can see that no matter how much I did, they'll always put Quin before me.

At age four, I started to read and write, thanks to the house elves who were kinder than my egg and sperm donor.

They took their time with me, which I was thankful for, and soon enough, I ignored James and Lily as well as Sirius, Remus, Molly, and people who gushed over Quin.

Ah, yes, Sirius Black. A man who turned away from his family to be in Gryffindor and my "godfather."

How pathetic...

He never asks how I am or watches what I'm doing.

It's always "Quin this" or "Quin that."

Remus is the same and practically ignores me, although he barely recognizes that I'm in the same room.

Molly Weasely- she liked me at first but only now pays close attention to Quin and often forces her son to be playmates.

Everyone in the Weasely family is the same, and I'm not here to be jealous.

I'm here to state that this is how my life is; no matter what I do or don't do, nobody wants me.

At age six, I begin to eat with the house elves and enjoy their presence.

Quin, of course, turns up spoiled, at least for another two years, which irritated me the most.

I basically stayed out of people's way. In return, I'm either ignored or neglected.

It doesn't bother me as much as it did before, but I can't help but feel pain from their actions.

I thought I would get used to it, but one particular day changed my life.

I was eight at the time. It was an average day where I stayed in my room while the rest of the Potters, including Black and Lupin, were hanging out late at night.

I decided to grab a glass of water since I was thirsty after not drinking for the entire day.

As I grabbed it, I began to hear some tinkering.

I looked around and saw nothing, but it soon grew louder and louder until it stopped at one beat.

The next thing I knew, I was blasted into a wall as blue ashes scrambled across the air.

Another tink made a much bigger explosion, destroying another part of the house.

I landed on the ground while facing the now-destroyed house.

Soon, the blue ashes began to turn into fire, and I was in horror.

"What happened?!" A voice shouted.

I saw the Potters, Black, and Lupin running toward the fire, and James quickly stared at me.

"You! You did this!" He yelled, causing everyone to look at me.

"N-No, I didn't-" I tried to explain, but they didn't want to listen.

"Shut up! This is all your fault!" The spoiled twin said.

The next thing I knew, I was slapped by my very own mother.

"How could you do this, Harry?!" Lily cried before slapping me again.

Black sneered in my direction while Lupin didn't even look at me.

They soon left to get help to demolish the fire, leaving me once again.

This time, however, I felt tears falling.

I tried screaming, pleading with them not to leave me, but they didn't bother hearing me.

I curled up into a ball as I was now crying out of pain and hurt.

'Why me?' I thought.

'What did I do to make them hate me that much?!'

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching me, and I looked up to see a blue-haired woman with violet-pink eyes.

"Hello, little girl. Where's your family?" She asks.

I didn't recognize the tone on her face from the stress of their actions. All the memories came pouring in of them, always leaving me behind, and I was finally sick of it.

I pounced myself onto her chest and tightly hugged her.

"They left me..." I answered with sobs.

"They are not my family anymore..." I angrily said.

The woman looked surprised, but then she wrapped her arms around me.

"It's okay, kid. I know exactly how it feels..." She whispers, ushering me comfort.

"But here's what I know, kid."

She raises my face to meet me with her eyes.

"We'll show them..." She said before hugging me again.

"We will show them all..."

My eyes turned into hatred that day, and that day was the last I remembered being a Potter.

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