Clovers (Nagito x Hajime)

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'What do you have to show me this time?' Hajime said as his boyfriend, Nagito, was forcefully pulling him by the arm down the corridor.

'A surprise so I can't tell you,' Nagito said teasingly. All Hajime could do was roll his eyes. He had been with Nagito for a while so he was used to this whole thing but he would always still be very eager to know what Nagito had in store for him.

'Can't you give me a hint?' asked Hajime desperately.

'Nope,' Nagito said, tightening his grip on Hajime's arm and began to speed walk.

'God, slow down!' Hajime whined. Nagito only ignored him and started to walk faster (he was practically jogging at this point). By now they were out of the corridor and finally outside, walking towards the school garden.

'Why are we at the garden?' Hajime asked as the two passed the hedges at the entrance.

'The thing I want to show you is in here, duh,' Nagito answered bluntly. He had slowed down now but still kept a tight grip on Hajime's arm. He guided him past the flower beds and rose bushes until he stopped at a small patch of clovers in a far corner of the garden.

'Is this it?' Hajime asked.

'Yup,' Nagito smiled.


'Come, look,' Nagito said and let go of Hajime's arm to bend down. Hajime quickly followed him and stared down at the patch of clovers beneath him. He didn't understand what he was looking at or what he was looking for, it was all a bunch of three leaf clovers, nothing special.

'Look,' Nagito said and pointed to something. It was a four-leaf clover. It was sitting neatly in between two three-leaf clovers, yet it still stood out. Hajime stared at it for a while, he had counted the leaves at least three times before believing it was an actual four-leaf clover, and even though it was a nice thing to see, he didn't have the slightest clue what to do with it and why Nagito showed it to him in the first place.

'Did you know that the leaves on a four-leaf clover all mean something different,' Nagito said suddenly, looking up at Hajime.

'No, I just thought they were all lucky,' Hajime said, looking back at Nagito.

'Well, one means Faith, one means Love, one means Hope and the last one means Luck, so the reason why they're lucky and three-leaf clovers aren't is because of that one lucky leaf.'

'Oh wow, I jus thought they were lucky because they're rare to find.'

'Oh and that too.'

'So what do we do with it?'

'Well most people pick it and keep it in a jar or picture frame or something to stay lucky but I think it'd be selfish of me to do that, after all I'm lucky enough, so I'd want you to have it,' Nagito smiled.


'Yep, make sure to keep it safe.'

'Oh, ok,' Hajime said and reached out to pick the clover, before Nagito suddenly stopped him.

'Oh I forgot to tell you, you have to press the leaves one at a time for it to work.'

'Wouldn't it break or something?'

'If your gentle enough I'm pretty sure it'll be fine.'

So, Hajime carefully tapped on each of the leaves, making sure not tear any of them and then, using the exact same care, he picked it and let it sit in his hands. He began to stare at it again. He noticed how small and delicate it looked in his hands. 'You know, if you stare at it enough you realise how beautiful clovers actually are,' Nagito said softly. He was leaning over Hajime's shoulder to also look at the small, green plant in Hajime's hands.

'I guess,' Hajime said hesitantly. He didn't see any beauty in the clover, just a dumb, green, lucky plant, but he agreed anyway, for Nagito's sake.

The two stayed staring at it for a while, and Hajime was slowly starting to see some sort of beauty in the clover, even if it wasn't much. 'You know what Nagito, you're right, they can be quite beautiful,' Hajime smiled and looked over to Nagito, who was still peaking over his shoulder.

'Told you so,' Nagito smiled back at him.

'Do you think we should go now?' Hajime asked, looking back at the clover.

'Yeah, I guess we should, after all that was all I wanted to show you,' Nagito replied and stood up over Hajime. Hajime slowly followed him, making sure they clover was still intact in his hands. 'Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?' asked Nagito. Hajime nodded, still looking down at the plant in his hands. Nagito noticed how Hajime was practically fixated on the plant, he rarely took his eyes off of it; he sometimes he even questioned if he was studying it more than admiring it. Either way he was happy that he liked it and took an interest to it. He chuckled and put his arm around Hajime's shoulder so that they could both walk together and so that Hajime could continue to look at the clover in peace as they walked to the dorms.


863 words in total

A/N: First chapter officially done! Something short and sweet with not much romance (sadly) but it isn't that bad (hopefully). I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

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