Relationships pt 1 (Peko x Fuyuhiko)

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'God, I hate couples,' Kazuichi groaned as him and Ibuki watched two of their classmates, Peko and Fuyuhiko, laugh and conversate with each other.

'But they aren't even a couple,' Ibuki remarked.

'What? They are! Just look at them.'

'But Peko never told me she's with Fuyuhiko!'

'Did ya ask?' Kazuichi scoffed.

'. . .No,' Ibuki muttered, 'But have you asked Fuyuhiko?'

'. . .N-No.'

'Well then they aren't even a couple!' Ibuki argued.

'Y'know what then, let's actually ask them. I ask Fuyuhiko and you ask Peko.'

'Is this a bet!?' Ibuki asked, giddy.

'Sure,' Kazuichi shrugged. 'How much you bettin'?'

'A weeks worth of Lunch that they aren't together!'

'A week and three days worth of Lunch that they are!'

'Sounds good enough to me, because I'm obviously gonna win,' Ibuki teased with a giggle.

'Oh whatever, let's just shake hands,' Kazuichi tutted and held out his hand. Ibuki took his hand in hers and feverishly shook it, finalising the bet.

'Soooo, are you guys together yet?'

Peko felt her stomach drop at the question. 'Together. . .?' She uttered.

'Yeah, together!' Ibuki grinned, 'Like y'know being girlfriend and boyfriend.'

'Well, he is a boy. . .that is my friend,' Peko muttered, her eyes darting down, desperately trying to avoid eye contact.

'But he is he your boyfriend boyfriend,' Ibuki asked, grin widening.

'I. . . I don't know,' Peko said, biting her lip. The concept of a relationship was still new to Peko, she had only learnt what they were during her last year of middle school and yet she still didn't understand them fully. Still, being confronted about being in a relationship would make anyone uncomfortable, especially if it was about being in one with a person you had feelings for.

'What do you mean you don't know?' Ibuki frowned. 'How do you not know if someone's your boyfriend!'

'Because he is my friend that is a boy, but I wouldn't consider him a boyfriend, and I don't think he'd consider me as a girlfriend.'

'So you guys aren't together then?'

'I-I guess so,' Peko uttered, a faint pink flushed her porcelain white skin.

'No need to be embarrassed,' Ibuki reassured as she began to stand up from her seat. 'It's whatevs.'

Peko only gave the girl a curt nod in reply. Before Ibuki could tuck in her chair a sudden question popped in her mind.

'Do have feelings for him though?' Ibuki asked.

'I-' Peko started. She held her head in her hands and stared at the table beneath her. 'Deeply,' she mumbled, her eyes didn't dare flicker up.

'So why don't you tell him!' Ibuki cried joyfully.

'Because me and him mostly have a professional relationship, if I told him and if we ended up together it would come in between our professionalism. And if I tell him and our feelings aren't mutual well. . .it would be quite awkward,'Peko looked up and her eyes finally met with Ibuki's. 'Plus, I don't think his family would approve. . .'

'You guys don't seem very professional,' Ibuki scoffed, 'Come on Peko, you two are like practically soulmates, in no universe would be say no!'

'But what if-'

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