Stay (Sayaka x Leon)

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I lay in my bed, shivering from the chilly gushes of wind that were flowing into my room through the window. I hugged the duvet closer to my body in attempt to keep warm, but it didn't work. I turned to left of me and stared at the open window, gripping the duvet tighter and watched as my curtains rapidly flapped against the ferocious wind.


I sat up at the sudden vibration that came from my pillow, the duvet slightly sliding off of me. I lifted up my pillow slightly to find my phone vibrating frantically, followed by the tedious of buzzing. I grabbed the phone from its spot and saw that Leon was calling me. What could he want at this time of night? I thought as I answered the phone.

'Hello?' I said, putting the phone to my ear.

'Hey, Sayaka, can you open the door for me, it's really cold and uh, I think it's starting to rain,' the boy answered.

'Wait, you're outside my house!?'


'Oh Leon,' I tutted.

'What? I need a Place to stay and you're the only person I know who'd take me in.'

'Yeah, but not unattended, we've talked about this!'

'Yeah, yeah, just let me in already, I'm freezing!' Leon whined.

'Okay, okay, I'm coming!'

'Hurry up!' he winged and hung up the phone.

'Jackass,' I scoffed. I slid off my bed and exited my room, shutting the door behind me. I walked down the narrow hallway to the stair case and quickly jogged down them, gliding my hand across the wall as I did so.

Making my way to the front door, I realised that downstairs had an odd dark-blueish tint overshadowing it, despite being almost pitch black; the same for my room. In my eyes, it was sort of pretty, it made the house look more alive, in a way. Not all sad and lonely how it would usually look. I could hear the light pitter-patter of raindrops coming from outside, Leon was right; it was starting to rain.

I arrived at the front door and opened it. Leon appeared in front of me, his white leather jacket sheltering the top of his head, rain pouring rapidly around him.

'About time,' he scoffed, inviting himself in. 'And why are you in your house in the dark?' He said and flipped on the light switch that was near the front door.

'I guess I couldn't find one,' I said whilst closing the door.

'How do I know your house better then you do.'

'I don't know Leon, you tell me,' I tutted and began to make my way upstairs. 'And Leon, remember to take your shoes off.'

'Yeah, yeah I know.' He said and began to slip off his shoes.


'So why'd you come by?' I said, shutting my bedroom window and began to soothe the curtains.

'Well it's like, my step-mom kicked me out, but she kinda didn't at the same time.'

'What does that mean?' I asked, sitting besides him on the edge of the bed.

'So like, I can back from a party and she said that apparently it "isn't acceptable to be coming home at these times" and that "if I feel like staying out all night there's no point in coming back home now" y'know all that bullshit.'

'Well she kinda has a point,' I pointed out.

'What do you mean she has a point?'

'It's 4 in the morning, Leon.'

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