Hamsters (Sonia x Gundham)

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'They must be really well trained,' Sonia marvelled at the furry hamsters in the cage that sat on Gundham's desk.

'Of course they are, I trained them,' Gundham boasted. He kneeled beside Sonia so he could watch the hamsters with her.

'How do you even manage all of them,' she asked, still fixated on the furry creatures scurrying around in the cage.

'Managing the Four Dark Devas Of Destruction is mere child's play for an overlord like me, of course a human such as yourself wouldn't understand,' Gundham replied with overbearing pride.

'I see. . .' Sonia said, rather gloomily, 'But I will try!' she said, eyes lighting up in joy and excitement.

'We will see,' Gundham scoffed, putting an arm around the princess and pulled her in slightly closer. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.


It was 7:30 pm and Sonia was staying at Gundham's dorm for the night. The two usually had sleepover every Friday, taking turns to sleep at each other's dorms. Tonight, it was Sonia's turn to sleep over.

'Is it feeding time?' Sonia asked as Gundham paced around the room. Sonia was perched at the edge of Gundham's bed, wearing a silky-pink, long-sleeved night gown that reached her ankles and had white, cotton socks on her feet.

'Yes, yes,' Gundham said. 'I can't seem to find their food. . .'

'Is it. . .' Sonia began before sliding off the bed and kneeled down to look under it. It was extremely dark and dusty under the bed, hardly anything could be seen. But there was large, yellow and green bag laying in the far corner. Sonia slid her arm under the bed and grabbed hold of the packet and brought it into the light. The packet had a dusty underside but on the front packet the words "Furry Friends" were in bold white letters with a picture of a hamster in front of them and a pile of kibble beside it. 'Gundham! I found it,' Sonia called out in joy.

'Oh thank heavens,' Gundham cried, relieved and made his way to Sonia.

'Gundham, can I try feeding them today,' Sonia asked, looking up at Gundham who was now standing behind her.

'Well. . .if you insist,' Gundham replied hesitantly. Gundham wasn't fond of other people fed his pets; he was always afraid they'd over feed them or under feed them. They weren't able to be as exact as him.

Sonia grinned and rushed over to the hamster cage. She saw the four hamsters eagerly watch her with the bag of food, yearning to be fed. She giggled at their desperate faces before carefully opening the cage and took the food bowls out one by one. She lined up their small bowls side by side and then opened the bag of hamster food. She gently poured a small amount into each of the bowls before topping them up with a little bit more, but not too much. When she was done, she placed the bowls back into the cage. She saw the four hamsters dart to their food as she closed the cage, making sure the lid was secure. She sealed the bag of food and placed it by her feet. 'Easy as pie!' she grinned turning to Gundham.

'I think you mean as cake, my dear,' Gundham said, walking over to the cage with a black and white cat bowl that was full of bits of meat and jelly.

'Gundham, that isn't for hamsters,' Sonia said, staring at the bowl of food curiously.

'That's because it isn't,' Gundham said bluntly, placing the bowl of food next to the cage. 'It's for the enchantress of night.' He leaned over the edge of the desk, his worn-out, yellow One Punch Man shirt centimetres away from touching the cat food, and opened the window before placing the bowl of cat food on the windowsill.

'And who is that?'

'My cat.'

'You have a cat!?' Sonia gasped. Gundham nodded, taking the bag of hamster food off of the floor and put it on top of the white chest of draws he had beside his door. 'What's it's name,' Sonia asked.

'Her name is Micia,' Gundham said.

'That's nice,' Sonia said, turning to look at Gundham, 'I believe it's Italian, is it not?'

Gundham nodded. Sonia turned back towards the window and saw a black cat with a bright red collar nipping at the food Gundham had set out. 'Is that her!?' Sonia gasped in awe.

'Mhm,' Gundham hummed, making his way towards the windowsill.

'Can I pet her?' Sonia asked.

'Of course you can,' Gundham answered, 'The dark enchantress is extremely friendly.'

Sonia leaned against the desk and stroked the feasting kitty. The cat began rubbing it's head against her palm in response.

'Where did you find her?' Sonia asked.

'Oh, she's my family cat,' Gundham replied and held out his hand to start stroking the cat.

'Oh,' Sonia smiled.

'She comes over 3 nights a month to see me.'

'That's so sweet,' Sonia remarked, eyes gleaming.

'So it is,' Gundham nodded, slowly pulling his hand away from the cat. 'Alas, we need to let her feast, she doesn't get fed past 7pm,' he said, taking Sonia's hand and pulled her away from the window.

'She must be starving,' Sonia said, her eyes still on the cat.

'And so she is,' Gundham smiled and twirled Sonia around, her gown and hair swayed around her. Sonia grinned at Gundham in awe, her cheeks turning slightly pink. She loved whenever Gundham would take her hand and twirled her around. It made her feel special, it was something only Gundham did with her and her alone, it was their thing.

'Would you like to head to bed now?' Gundham asked, still holding onto Sonia's hand.

'But it's not even 8 yet,' Sonia replied.

'We don't have to fall asleep just yet,' Gundham reassured.

'Can we watch a movie?' Sonia asked, grinning once again.

'Sure, whatever you desire,' Gundham said, 'But I'm picking.'

'Awh, but you always like to watch the boring ones,' Sonia whined, making her way towards the bed, pulling Gundham with her.

'Snow White is not boring!' Gundham argued as the two set themselves down on the bed, Sonia cuddled up to Gundham, laying on his chest.

'Oh yes it is,' Sonia argued back.

'Whatever you say.'

1057 words

A/N: another edit done. I didn't have to do much to this chapter since it was pretty solid but ya. Might add more to it in the future who knows.

As always I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it !!

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