Hickey (Mondo x Ishimaru)

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A/N: This will be a smut chapter skip if ur sensitive


Ishimaru stared at the man who was on top of him, his bright red eyes meeting the others soft lilac ones. Their faces were barely an inch away, their foreheads resting against each other, the tips of their noses rubbing against one another and their lips waiting to connect. 'Mondo. . .' Ishimaru's lip quivered, slowly beginning to wrap his arms around the other's neck and his legs around his waist. Mondo didn't answer with words, instead he answered with prodding the others lips with his own.

Ishimaru kissed back slowly, his arms tightening around Mondo's neck slightly, initially deepening the kiss. Mondo had his arms wrapped around Ishimaru's upper-back, hugging the boy, and as the kiss deepened, he sat up slightly, bringing Ishimaru up with him, legs sliding off his waist.

The two parted briefly, the only sound that could be heard was their heavy breathing. Ishimaru's eyes flickered down then back up to meet Mondo's. 'Can I. . .?' Ishimaru asked, his tone low and soft.

'Can you what?' Mondo asked, his tone also low. Ishimaru moved his hand from Mondo's neck down to his face then to his soft, pink lips, and lightly stroked them with his thumb. 'Yeah. . .yeah,' Mondo nodded as he read Ishimaru's message.

Ishimaru had a small smile upon his face as he wanted to into to kiss Mondo. He moved his hand from Mondo's lips and moved it down to his cheeks, rubbing it gently with his thumb.

Mondo has slid has arms down to Ishimaru's waist, holding the boy closer. As their kissed progressed Ishimaru's hand started to wonder. First they were at his face before slowly sliding down to his collar then gliding towards his shoulders. They soon broke apart again, Mondo whispered, 'You don't have to ask if you want to kiss me.'

'I know, it's just this is still all so new to me. . .' Ishimaru tutted wearily. 'I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable or-or do too much that it'll put you off, or do too little that it'll also put you off.'

'Stop worrying, Taka,' Mondo said, 'Just do whatever feels right.'

'Okay,' Ishimaru nodded slowly. Mondo's words of reassurance brought a sense of relief over Ishimaru, yet his persistent paranoia hadn't completely vanished. He still had that one, small cloud of doubt that he was doing something wrong, or that Mondo wasn't enjoying it, or that he'll overstep a boundary. No matter how many times Mondo could reassure him, the thoughts would always come slithering back one way or another.

'Good,' Mondo smiled and went in for another kiss but was stopped Ishimaru moving his head.

'Oh but what if I do what feels right and you still don't like it,' He whined, biting his lip nervously.

Mondo groaned, 'Then I'll tell you. Now could ya stop worryin' and let me continue.'

'Fine, fine,' Ishimaru said and let Mondo kiss him this time.


The two were back in their original missionary position, Ishimaru had is legs wrapped Mondo's waist and his arms around his neck while Mondo as his hands at the either side of Ishimaru's head, propping him up slightly. Instead of going for his lips, this time Mondo moved his mouth to his neck, leaving quick, small kisses along the side. Mondo swiftly moved up and down Ishimaru's neck before he started to slow down and began focusing on a certain spot, sucking on it mercilessly.

He could feel Ishimaru start to grip the back of his hair. He had a clasp of it in one hand while the other clawed the back of his head and began to tug at Mondo's hair. Mondo groaned into Ishimaru's skin at the sudden tugs and stopped sucking on Ishimaru's neck. He could feel the pulling come to a halt as his mouth disconnected from his skin.

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