Can I bum one? (Ishimaru x Leon)

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A/N: this isn't a ship chapter it's just two friends having a chit chat. (This chapter is mostly dialogue js to let ym knoww)

Leon slid out the half empty packet of Malboros from his jacket pocket. It was after school hours and after school hours for Leon meant having a smoke behind the dormitory.

He opened the packet, took out a cigarette and tightly wedged it between his lips. He quickly slid his hand down the same jacket pocket and retrieved his lighter and then brought it to the cigarette. He flicked it on under the end of the tab and lit the cigarette, strong, thin lines smoke immediately arising from it into the atmosphere. He shoved the lighter and pack of the cigarettes back into his jacket while he inhaled a drag of smoke before squeezing the tab in between his index and middle finger and pulled the cigarette away from his mouth, breathing out the smoke as he did.

He sighed as he tapped away the ash, bringing back the cigarette to his mouth and quickly puffed out another thick cloud. He put the tab back in his mouth so he could look for his phone but he suddenly saw Kiyotaka Ishimaru come from around the corner and it looked like he was approaching him.

For fucks sake Leon thought as he saw Taka get closer. He took the cigarette from his mouth, puffed out one last cloud and dropped it, squashing it with his trainers.

'Can I bum one?' Taka asked suddenly as he got closer.

Leon frowned, baffled, eyes widening slightly. 'What?'

'Can I have a cigarette please,' Taka repeated, he stopped as soon as he was half a rulers length away from Leon. 'And it's not "what" it's pardon or excuse me.'

'I-is that you Taka?' Leon asked hesitantly. He couldn't believe his eyes or ears. Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the man whose whole life is devoted to keeping people in line, enforcing stupid rules and keeping up with outdated morals was actually asking him for a cigarette.

'Of course it's me,' Taka chuckled, 'Now are you willing to give me a cigarette or not?'

'Y-yeah yeah course, but I'd never think that you'd smoke,' Leon said as he pulled out the pack of Malboros and the bright red lighter and pulled out a tab for Taka.

'Are you gonna judge me now?' Taka asked as he took the cigarette and lighter from Leon, mouthing a quick thank you.

'Why would I judge you for smoking when I literally do it. It's just that I would've never expected you to smoke.'

Taka shrugged and looked around hastily, 'Is there a teacher coming?'

'No but the teachers don't care if you smoke anyway.'

Taka said a muffled 'Really!?' with the cigarette in between his lips. He flicked on the lighter to light it.

'Yeah I get teachers to buy me packs whenever I'm running low on cash.'

'That's so. . .bogus!' Taka said as the smoke flowed out of his mouth, he sounded almost infuriated.

'Bogus!? How is that bogus?'

'Because teachers aren't meant to be encouraging delinquency and are supposed to be doing the exact opposite, encouraging us to do better and to change our ways. As our mentors they're supposed to guide us and make sure we're on the right path!'

'Dude you're saying all this while you have a cigarette in your hand,' Leon said as he took back the packet of cigarettes and lighter. He took a tab for himself before shoving the packet into his pocket.

'W-well it's a bad habit I can't control,' Taka mumbled sheepishly as he tapped away the burning ash and quickly inhaled another draw.

'So you have an addiction?'

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