Showers (Hajime x Kazuichi)

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This chapter contains smut dont read if it makes yu uncomfortable

Hajime trudged inside the boys locker room with Kazuichi not too far behind. The coolness of the AC eased their clammy skin from the burning heat of summer.

'Finally!' Kazuichi let out a relieved sigh. 'Working out in summer is the worst!'

'Weren't you the one that suggested we'd work out,' Hajime rolled his eyes as he approached his locker.

'I didn't think it was gonna be this hot though,' Kazuichi groaned. Before even reaching his locker the boy was already slinging off his P.E shirt over his head. Hajime glanced over at the boy and his eyes began to wonder along his torso.

They went from his pecs swiftly down to his softly toned abs then to his defined v-line. Hajime subconsciously bit his lip as his eyes trailed back up and met Kazuichi's face. Kazuichi was smugly smirking at him. 'Checking me out?' Kazuichi snickered and opened his locker door.

Hajime gulped. 'I-I wasn't!' The boy denied and diverted his eyes away from Kazuichi and to his locker, trying to shake off the embarrassment that infected him. It didn't work in the slightest. Kazuichi was only one locker away from Hajime and the fact that the two were practically right besides each other was enough to make him flustered.

'It doesn't matter y'know, if you were checking me out or not,' Kazuichi reassured. 'It isn't anything you haven't seen before,' he muttered and looked down at his locker as a faint blush made its way to his cheeks.

That was true, it wasn't anything he hadn't seen before. In fact, Hajime had seen a lot more than that.
'Whatever. . .' Hajime muttered sourly under his breath.

'What'd you say?' Kazuichi suddenly turned.

'I said, whatever,' Hajime said and began sliding his drenched P.E shirt over his head.

'Yeah, yeah,' Kazuichi chuckled as Hajime's shirt passed his head. 'Wow,' he mouthed, admiring Hajime's body. 'The workout sessions are definitely working.'

'Stop that. . .' Hajime's muttered and turned his back to Kazuichi. 'It's weird when you say stuff like that.'

'Why?' Kazuichi raised an eyebrow. 'What, are you embarrassed?' He teased and shuffled over to Hajime. He hugged Hajime from behind, their sweat acted as a glue that stuck Kazuichi's torso to Hajime's bare back. His arms squeezed the others waist as he rested his chin on Hajime's shoulder. He could hear soft, shaky pants escape his lips. 'Don't be embarrassed,' he breathed into Hajime's neck. An audible gulp was given in return. 'You're more attractive than you think. . .'  His left hand trailed down Hajime's waist and curled his fingers around Hajime's inner thighs. Hajime's eyes widened and quickly gripped the boys wrist so his hand couldn't go any further. 'Your hair. . .your eyes. . .your lips, everything about you is so fucking sexy.'

Hajime suddenly felt a warm pair of lips at his neck, kissing it sloppily. 'Kazuichi. . !' He gasped. His heart pounded from nerves and a strange sense of arousal.

He wanted Kazuichi to stop- right now wasn't a good time or place- but at the same time he wanted Kazuichi to continue. His words and effortless teasing were almost alluring, it made him want to give up to Kazuichi right then and there, but, he knew better. Kazuichi had had his way with him the past couple of times and he wasn't going to let him have it a third.

'What? Not convinced?' Kazuichi's breath tickled the inside of Hajime's ear, making him shudder in response. 'Then I'll convince you,' Kazuichi uttered and left another sloppy kiss on the corner of Hajime's trembling lips. Hajime turned his head slowly to face Kazuichi, foreheads rubbing against one another. He licked his lips and muttered the words 'fuck. . .' under his breath before crashing his lips onto Kazuichi's. Kazuichi smirked into the kiss as he felt Hajime's hand unhook his wrist, allowing him to explore the other. He massaged the boys inner thighs for a brief moment before swiftly gliding his hand towards Hajime's groin. Hajime let out muffled sounds into the kiss as he felt Kazuichi's hand wonder around his intimate area.

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