Broken Bones pt2 (Ibuki x Mikan)

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Ever since that day in the medical room, Ibuki hadn't been able to keep her Mikan off her mind. The day in the in the medical room replayed in her mind like a broken record, no intention of being turned off. She figured that the only way to stop the record from running, was to see Mikan again, one way or another.

It would be rare that Ibuki got time by herself and whenever she did she'd always go and speak to the first person that caught her eye, but today, today was different. Ibuki was sitting outside in the front Plaza, the comforting breeze of spring swiftly drifted around her as she ate her lunch. She didn't feel like being in the noisy, overwhelming cafeteria today. Solitude sounded like a better option.

There were only a few people outside, scattered around the plaza. There was Shuichi, a dark haired first year and he was sitting with another first year, Keade. She had bright blonde hair that reached her shoulders. The pair were sitting on a small bench having lunch together.

There was also another student out eating in the plaza, sitting under a tall cherry tree. She couldn't see the students face very well since their choppy, purple hair was covering their face, but she could tell that they were a girl by their uniform. She kept an eye on the girl under the tree, desperate to know who it was.

The student under the tree tucked her long strands of hair behind her ears to take another bite out of her sandwich and that was when Ibuki's eyes light up in joy. Mikan! It's Mikan! Ibuki thought to herself. Her immediate reaction was to get up and speak to the girl. So, without wasting any time she grabbed the brown, paper bag that her lunch was in and sped-walked her way over.

'Hey Mikan!' Ibuki said abruptly, startling the poor girl.

'I-Ibuki!' Mikan cried and stared up Ibuki, who was towering over her.

'Can I sit with you?' Ibuki said, grinning brightly.

'Well oh-okay,' Mikan answered and watched as Ibuki dropped her lunch bag onto the soft grass and sat beside it.

Mikan continued to nibble on her cheese sandwich while Ibuki only watched her, smiling.

'Ar-are you g-g-going to e-eat?' Mikan asked quietly, not wanting to sound rude.

'Oh,' Ibuki said, blinking herself out of her day-dream, 'Well duh, what do you think I even got lunch for!' she began to take her own sandwich out of the bag and started to eat. 'Sho,' she in between a chew. She quickly swallowed before speaking again. 'What are you gonna do after you finish eating?'

'Well I'm g-g-gonna guh-go to the meh-medical room a-an-'

'The medical room!' Ibuki cried, her eyes lighting up again.


'Can I come?' Ibuki asked excitedly.

'If you r-really want to.'

'Ooh yay!' Ibuki cheered.

Mikan smiled softly and continued to eat her food.


The two were now in the medical room. Mikan was sitting down on a chair , hands in her lap, while Ibuki sat on the edge of the bed that was closest to Mikan.

'So, we're in a room all by ourselves,' Ibuki smirked, leaning slightly forward.

'Ibuki! D-don't be a p-puh-pervert!' Mikan squeaked, blushing deeply.

'I'm only joking!' Ibuki giggled. A weird, comforting silence suddenly overtook the two. There was nothing to be said, nothing needed to be said, the presence of someone being nearby was enough for them.

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