Broken Bones (ibuki x mikan)

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'Ibuki. . . Ibuki. . . IBUKI!'
Ibuki suddenly woke up in a cold sweat, aches and pains all over her, particularly in her right arm. She looked around her slowly; she was in a bed, it seemed like the ones in the medical room, with Mikan by her side. 'Why is Ibuki here?' Ibuki asked, her voice was small and hoarse.

'Well- um- you had a nah-nah-nasty accident, a-a-and- um- Fu-fu-fuh-fuyuhiko and Na-na-Nagito brought you in, and-'

'Oh yeah!' Ibuki said, her voice suddenly was no longer hoarse and small but instead  loud and bubbly, how it normally was. 'Ibuki was having a piggy bank race with Akane and halfway through the race, Ibuki tripped and went BOOF onto the ground with Nagito falling on top of me, it hurt Ibuki real bad. It did, It did,' Ibuki said joyfully. She was acting as if she was describing a child's birthday party and not how she hurt herself.

Mikan looked at her in confusion. 'Yeah. . . a-a-and you have lots of b-b-bruises and y-y-you even buh-buh-broke your arm!' Mikan squealed softly.

'Oh my!' Ibuki gasped. 'Which one!?'

'The right one.'

Ibuki suddenly started squeezing and touching her right arm, wincing every time. ' I think it's better i-i-if you didn't do that. . .' Mikan whispered

'Oh. Oh yeah,' Ibuki said sheepishly.

'A-a-a-anyway, luckily the fracture wasn't that bad, so I brought a b-buh-buh-bandage and some ice,' Mikan said looking at the two things she had brought behind her.

'OoOoOo, fancy things just for me!?' Ibuki cried excitedly, also looking over at the things Mikan had brought over.

'Yes, yes, fancy things,' Mikan nodded.

'Well what are you waiting for!? bring them here!'

'O-oh, okay,' Mikan said and walked over to the small table where she had placed the Bandage and Ice pack.

Leaned over her left arm, Ibuki watched as she carefully gather the things. She noticed how Mikan was slightly bent over and the hem of her skirt was hovering around her ass, her bare upper thighs being fully exposed, any shorter and you could see her panties. and for some reason Ibuki couldn't help but stare. She wanted to look away from the lewd scene, but a tiny voice at the back of her mind was telling her to keep looking and was yearning to see more.

Ibuki gulped as Mikan began to approach her with the supplies. Mikan's mere presence was enough to make butterflies dance in her stomach. Ibuki didn't fully understand why she suddenly felt this way. She wanted to apologise to Mikan for looking at her in that light, but she wanted to touch her and explore her body at the same time. It was a flustered-guilt that gave her a stomachache, yet turned her on at the same time.

'oh. . . what did I do this time?' Mikan said to herself gloomily, putting the Ice pack aside.

'H-Huh!' Ibuki cried suddenly, snapping out of her puzzling thoughts.

'You're looking at me like-like I did something bad,' Mikan whined, tears gathering at the corner of her eyes.

'N-nah, nah it's nothing. I'm just. . .thinking!' Ibuki said and forced out a cheerful smile, hoping to reassure Mikan.

'About me. . .?'

'Y-yeah. About you!' Ibuki smiled.

Mikan chuckled quietly. 'Ibuki, i-i-it's okay if you were thinking about me, I don't mind,' Mikan smiled whilst taking a bandage from the first aid kit, a small blush appearing across her face.

'Cool,' Ibuki replied, a small blush also appearing across her face. Although Mikan made her nervous, her words also soothed her nerves. With every syllable she stumbled on and for every "um" and "uh" that interrupted her sentences, her hushed, soft voice calmed Ibuki and her racing mind.

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