Hcs ★彡

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10 chapters officially done!! I'm acc surprised that I've managed to write ten chapters in the span of a few months. Anyways I had an idea that after every 10 chapters I'd do a hc chapter js bc it's smth easy to write. Im only gna do the characters from the first and second game since this book only includes them.


Leon- he draws penises all over his exercise books and find it the most funniest thing ever.

Sayaka- she's a hugger, everyone she sees she hugs them.

Chihiro- he has rlly bad hay fever

Mondo- has dyscalculia and annoys people by saying "time to get a watch" whenever people ask for the time.

Kiyotaka- he eats rice and ketchup (if u eat this ur rank)

Hifumi- surprisingly he can draw rlly, rlly good, he's even drawn a portrait of Celeste.

Celestia- she used to have a malice maizer obsession when she was 12 but every time someone brings it up she denies it.

Sakura- her favourite animal is porcupines

Aoi- she laughs at anything, even if it isn't funny.

Toko- she blames shit on her zodiac sign ("It's not my fault I'm emotional I'm a Pisces 🥺)

Syo- she is very good at origami and would be one of those kids that would try tell other kids fate with chatterboxes.

Byakuya- he makes fun of people that still have a phone with a home button 😭

Makoto- he has dyslexia but tries to pretend he doesn't have it.

Yasuhiro- whenever someone gives him a birthday card he always asks if there's money in the card before even opening it.

Junko- has her own custom made Barbie doll she shows off to everyone she meets.

Mukuro- her favourite animal are rabbits



Teruteru- surprisingly has very good personal hygiene and despises anyone who doesn't.

Twogami- him and the real Togami always argue when the see each other

Mahiru- gets free front row tickets to anyway of Hiyokos shows.

Peko- LOVESS spicy food (will litch down a bottle of hot sauce if she could)

Ibuki- she would cry while getting her piercings done but then wouldn't consider getting more.

Hiyoko- hates dogs and dog lovers.

Mikan- she'd always wanted to get a piercing but she was afraid that she'd look ugly with one so never did.

Nekomaru- he gets very emotional when it comes to football (soccer for Americans)

Gundham- whenever he gets McDonalds he only gets chips and ice cream because he's vegetarian. (He dips his chips into the McFlurry as well)

Nagito- is lactose intolerant

Chiaki- can sleep with her eyes open.

Hajime- has owned like 25 goldfish because they kept on dying after a week.

Akane- hates cats because she finds them lazy and boring.

Sonia- has a weirdly high alcohol tolerance

Fuyuhiko- can't handle anything that's even remotely spicy

Kazuichi- cried during finding nemo

That's all for now :). New chapters will be out soon since I'm almost done editing the old chapters so when that's done I'll start writing again and hopefully a new chapter will be out before the new year (not making any promises)

But anyways hope you enjoyed this small hcs chapter I put tg in like under 10 mins

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