Mistletoe Kiss (Kyoko x Makoto)

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Christmas time, a time that brings joy, cheer and nostalgia for everyone that celebrates. It was an especially important time for the Naegi family.

Ever since Makoto was a small child Christmas was always a magical time for him. The house would be decorated inside and out, relatives would come and fill the house with laughter, Christmas dinner would always be the best, nothing beats KFC, and the tree would always look amazing. A Naegi Christmas was not something you'd want to miss, and this year Kyoko got to experience it.

Kyoko stared down at the address on her phone then back up at the house in front of her. She couldn't believe her eyes, it was like she was in a movie. Dazzling fairy lights outlined every inch of the house,  even the hedges had lights over them, a giant wreath was stuck to the door and two Christmas trees were on either side of the door way, dressed in their best attire.

Kyoko glanced back down at her phone then back at the house before sucking in some of the ice cold air through her nose then exhaling it through her mouth. She shoved her phone back into her leather jacket pocket and approached the steps of the house.

By the time she got to the door she could hear a number of voices come from inside the house. Some old, some young, some deep, some high-pitched. Nonetheless, she could still feel the warm, lively presence of the house and it was inviting her in to indulge. For a brief moment, all the nerves and anxiety she felt previously had vanished completely and without a second thought, she tapped on the doorbell, listening to it echo throughout the house.

'Who could that be?' A woman cried merrily from inside, all that could be heard was numerous muffled responses. She could suddenly hear the thuds of someone running down the stairs and a familiar voice call out 'I'll get it, I'll get it!'. Kyoko sighed in relief and tightened her grip on the black gift bag she had in her left hand and waited for the door to be opened.

The lock turned with a click and the door handle rattled before the door swung open and Makoto appeared in front of her wearing a red and green woolly Christmas jumper and a smile. 'Merry Christmas Kyoko!' He cried, almost breathless and welcomed the girl in, shutting the door behind her.

She smiled, 'Merry Christmas Naegi,' and stepped into the house, holding out the bag in front of the boy. 'This is for you,' she said with a warm blush making its way to her cheeks.

'Thanks,' Makoto smiled cheerfully and took the bag away from her. 'O-oh I should tell you to take off your shoes,' Makoto said quickly, 'My mom is really picky about stuff like that.'

'That's fine,' Kyoko nodded and slipped off her black loafers in front of the various other shoes that were scattered around the front of the house.

'D'you want me to show you around?' Makoto asked, a look of giddiness and nerves struck across his face.

'I wouldn't mind,' she replied.

'Great!' Makoto said and took Kyoko by her arm.

'You don't need to do that. . .' The girl muttered, flustered.

'Oh, right,' Makoto chuckled and gave Kyoko an understanding smile. 'Follow me then.'

The tour of the house was almost finished and currently, Kyoko was enjoying it. The warm, lively presence of the house finally had its grasps on her and had zero intentions of letting go. Every room they had been in was beautifully decorated, with a Mistletoe hanging on top of every dorm frame- which the pair frantically tried to ignore with flustered looks on their faces. So far, all the relatives she had spoken to had been quite friendly and polite which eased the pent up anxiety that had built up inside her. The only two rooms on the first storey that Kyoko had yet to see was the Dining room and Kitchen.

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