Obsession pt2 (Kazuichi x Gundham)

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The lunchtime bell rang. 'Alright class, remember homework is due on Monday,' My English teacher's voice sounded distant amongst the noise of the class room; the moving of chairs and the shuffling of feet overpowered her shrill voice. 'On Monday!' she repeated as everyone hurried out of the classroom. Again, she was ignored. No one even muttered a quick "Yes Miss."

As I managed to make my way out of the classroom and into the busy corridor I noticed Fuyuhiko at the end of it, hands plunged into his trouser pockets, watching me. I waved at him nervously before making my way over to him. 'Hey Fuyuhiko,' I greeted, issuing him a smile.

'So are you gonna tell him?' He said bluntly.

'What?' I said, puzzled.

'Y'know tell Gundham that you aren't interested in his girl anymore.'

'Ohh that,' I chuckled. 'Well I sort of forgot about that.'

'You're such an idiot,' He said coldly and began to walk to the flight of the stairs that were at the end of the English block.

'Not my fault I have other things to worry about,' I scoffed, quickly following Fuyuhiko.

'Really?' he asked, rolling his eyes.

'Yes, really.' I was lying, I didn't have other things to worry about, I was just reluctant to speak to Gundham. Everything about him pissed me off. His hair, his voice, his pride and confidence, his weird sense of charm. It made me feel like he was better than me, and all I wanted was to be on his level.

'Just do it, for fucks sake,' Fuyuhiko groaned.

'No!' I spat at him sourly, 'Why should I do something I don't wanna do!?'

'Oh grow up,' Fuyuhiko tutted, 'You always have to do stuff you don't wanna do, it's life!' he argued.

'Yeah but something like this is avoidable,' I grinned at him smugly. He shot me a dirty look in response.

'God you're so annoying,' Fuyuhiko grumbled. 'No wonder why Gundham treats you like shit.'

We were now at the end of stairs and were entering the entrance hall. I looked at him, clearly hurt. Fuyuhiko gulped, 'Okay, okay I didn't mean that but if you don't like him treating you like shit then you have to do something about it.'

'Y'know what, fine. . .' I grumbled, my fists beginning to tighten. 'I guess I'll do it, BUT you owe me.'

'Owe you? I don't owe you shit!' He scoffed and made up his face like there was a foul stench in the air.

'Yes you do!' I argued, frowning at him.

'Fine,' He tutted, but I only owe you IF you do it.'



The two of us stayed silent after that. We walked past the entrance hall. Surprisingly it was empty; apart from the office staff, me and Fuyuhiko were the only ones there. The only noise that could be heard was the squeaking of our shoes gliding against the smooth, purple floor. We walked out of the entrance hall and into the plaza. It was practically deserted with only a couple first years here and there but that was it.

I could feel the warm sun beat down on me as I walked through the plaza. Considering that it was the middle of April It was surprisingly warm. I hated warm springs, because they only lead to an unbearably hot summer. We continued to walk through the plaza before we made it to the cafeteria. Before entering, Fuyuhiko issued me a brief side glance and went inside. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes at his petty glance before following him inside.

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