Obsession pt1 (Kaziuchi's personal chapter)

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A/N: OMGGG I FORGOT ABOUT THIS BOOKKK. I was playing DR2 and it reminded me of one of the chapters I wrote for this book and I was inspired to write another chapter for the book.


I woke up this morning with my face plunged into my desk. I must've fallen asleep whilst working on something, I thought as I sat up, slowly widening my eyes just for them to be met with the bright, blinding gaze of the sun. I yelped and closed my eyes as quick as I could, but soon opened them to let them adjust to the sunlight so I could close my blinds. Much better, I thought as I looked back down at my desk.

My desk was in complete chaos. Springs and screws scattered around every corner, a small pot of bright yellow paint to my left, screwdrivers, mini wrenches and a thin paint brush to my right and in the middle was a giant, empty space where my face was. In front of that empty space was the beginning of what seemed to be a mini alarm clock. I tutted. 'I really need to stop breaking my clocks,' I mumbled to myself as I slid my chair backwards and stood up. 'That's the fifth one this month!' I said, making my way to my bathroom.


Surprisingly, I wasn't late to class this morning. Considering the time I woke up and how long it took for me to get ready, I was just in time. Luckily, everyone was busy doing their own things, so I managed to slide past and get to my seat without nobody noticing me. As I'm pulling out my seat I hear a 'Oh, good morning Soda!' come from across the room.

Startled, I looked around to see who had greeted me and to my surprise I saw Sonia waving at me. She standing in front of Gundham's desk, obviously talking with each other before I came. Gundham looked back towards me, shooting me a sour look before turning away. I ignored him and his dirty look and waved back at Sonia.

Soon enough Ms Yukizome waltzed Into the room and the lesson began.


Bing bong, Ding dong

Suddenly, bell rang, waking me up out of my sleep. I sat up and looked around the room with sore eyes. The room was in the same state as before and Ms Yukizome seemed to have left the room already. I decided to go back to sleep again, considering that I didn't know how to spend my free time.

'You fell asleep again!?' Fuyuhiko said, suddenly appearing next to me.

'Oh, uh, yeah,' I said, sitting up.

'Gosh is class that boring you fall asleep all the time?'

'No it's not exactly boring,' I answered. 'I'm just tired and Ms Yukizome's lessons put me to sleep.'

'Maybe you should sleep more instead of staying up thinking about Sonia,' Fuyuhiko said teasingly, pointing directly at her.

'What no I don't!' I argued, and turned my face away from him and placed it in the palm of my right hand. My cheeks felt slightly warmer than usual.

'You're so bad at lying Soda,' Fuyuhiko said, leaning on a nearby empty desk. 'Look you're blushing right now.'

I stared at him, offended. 'No I ain't!' I cried.

'Are too' He argued back.

'Are not!'

'Are too!'

'Are no-'

'Is something wrong, Soda?' Sonia suddenly appeared in front of me and Fuyuhiko, Gundham, standing behind her.

'The fuck do you want?' Fuyuhiko spat at her. Sonia gasped in horror at his tone and foul language. I immediately began to frown at him. He looked back at me, noticing my frown of disappointment. He simply tutted and looked back at Sonia and Gundham.

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