Shut up and sleep with me (Nagito x Chiaki)

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T/W: Implied Eating disorder
(This chapter might make some people uncomfy so please skip if you do start to feel uncomfortable)
I stood in the cafeteria, lunch tray pushed up against my chest. I peered over the crowded hall, trying to see if I could sit anywhere. Tables on top of tables were packed with students, eating, laughing, chatting, drinking. I was surrounded by it. Yet there wasn't a space for me. I sighed. The day I actually decided to eat was the day the cafeteria had to be packed. Typical.
I skimmed the dinning hall once more, to see if I could find a seat. To my surprise, I could. Right at the back of the cafeteria there was a table completely deserted by everyone and everything around it. It seemed perfectly clean. No dirty trays were left, no drinks had been spilt, not a food wrapper to be seen. It seemed to had been completely ignored. I grinned to myself. I really am lucky.
I made my way over to the table, making sure my food was perfectly balanced on my tray and didn't tip over the side and fall on anyone's heads. As I passed through I could feel the people watching me, glaring at me, exchanging disgusted looks. I didn't mind. It happens all the time, I'm pretty used to it. Don't get me wrong, it does kinda suck to know that you're not wanted but it gets better when you embrace it!
I carefully placed my tray onto the table, the bottle of water wobbling slightly as I did so. I pulled out the chair and sat down. Staring down at the portion of rice, steamed vegetables, slab of cod and the bowl of fruit, I started wondering if I could actually eat everything. The portion sizes were starting to make me extremely queasy, the hundreds of thousands grains of rice packed into that one, small, glass bowl made my stomach twist and turn and the few randomly placed vegetables left a bad feel in my throat. I would've been happier with a packet of crisps.
I tossed the vegetables around with my fork, chewing the inside of my cheek. While I sat deep in thought, I suddenly began to hear the shifting of chairs beside me. My eyes flickered from my food to the right of me in an instant. Surprisingly, I saw one of my classmates, Chiaki, pulling out a chair beside me. My eyes widened. 'Hello, Nagito,' she smiled as she sat down, her voice like melody. I stared at her, mesmerised; I couldn't utter a word.
Chiaki, for someone of her age, was very beautiful and her body had matured quite nicely. I'd like to say that I have a crush on her but it's far from it. For starters, she's pretty fucking boring. She had the personality of a pebble; so dull you'd rather ignore it. My interest in her was far from romantic, it was definitely sexual. I really wanted to like Chiaki, as a friend or maybe even more, but I could ever shake the thoughts that polluted my mind. I was never ashamed of it, though. In fact, I wanted her to sleep with me. It was bad, really bad but I never cared; I couldn't help it. I wanted her body and her body alone.
'You don't mind if you sit here, do you?' Her voice brought me back to reality. I knew she meant no harm but something about the way she said it sounded so commanding, forcing me to say yes, not that I was going to say no anyway.

'Oh yeah, I don't mind at all, ' I said.

'Thank you,' She stayed smiling. Her gentle smile. 'I don't see you in the cafeteria much, Nagito,' she said, her eyes fixated on her food. A steamy bowl of beef curry and rice. It looked appetising enough but it'd probably taste like crap once you get it into your mouth.

'Oh,' I said, 'Is that a problem,' I asked. I watched her scoop a spoonful of the curry and bring it to her lips. She softly blew on it, but her blows were a waste as the stew still remained piping hot. 'No,' she said, eyes still on the spoon, 'Just surprising.' She blew on it again, still as gentle as ever before putting the spoon into her mouth.
I frowned in slight shock at how she could take in such a hot load like it was nothing. I saw the food bob around in her mouth for a little while before she swallowed, struggling slightly. 'It feels weird to swallow,' I saw her grimace, 'Especially since it's so hot.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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