Moving (Aoi x Sakura)

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'Thanks for helping me pack Sakura!' Aoi beamed as she taped up the last cardboard box in the room.

'No problem,' Sakura replied with a curt nod. She stood behind Aoi with her arms crossed. 'Ever since you've told me that you're moving houses, I've been meaning to ask if you're going to be leaving the academy,' Sakura asked.

Aoi looked up at her from over her shoulder. 'Of course not!' She smiled and went back to taping the last side of the box. 'My parents only decided to move house to get closer to Yuta's new school. The house isn't too far from Hopes Peak, it's like three bus stops away,' Aoi said with a piece of tape between her teeth.

'Good,' Sakura muttered and diverted her eyes away from Aoi.

'Anyways, we need to go out later,' Aoi finished sealing the box and stood up. She moved back slightly to look at all the boxes. She grinned at her and Sakura's hard work. 'My mom gave me some money to buy some new things for the house,' she looked back at Sakura. Sakura's eyes flickered back at her, the bright smile on her face made Sakura's cheeks tingle with warmth.

'Like what?' Sakura asked.

'Like cups and bowls and pillows and stuff.'

'We could go now,' Sakura suggested, 'We don't have anything else to do.'

'You're right, we should!' Aoi said and began to speed walk out of the room, stepping over the numerous amount of boxes carefully. 'I'll get my coat and the money!' She called out from the hallway.

Sakura sighed and began to follow her.


'EEK! Sakura look at these glasses!' Aoi squealed. She waved the glass in front of Sakura's face. A distorted grin reflected itself off the glass. It was a plain and simple glass, except from the painted on strawberries that hung slightly below the rim.

'Cute,' Sakura smiled, her face backing away from the glass slightly.

'D'you think I should buy them!?'

'As nice as they are, shouldn't we find something more technical?' Sakura suggested and turned back to other glasses that stood upon the shelves.

'Technical?' Aoi's eyes widened.

'I don't think your mother would appreciate it if we spent all the money on glasses with little strawberries,' Sakura remarked.

'That is true,' Aoi chewed the inside of her cheek. It gutted her that Sakura thought that the glasses were unnecessary yet Sakura knew best. Her mum definitely would be upset with her if she bought any and everything that caught her eye, reasonable or not. So, with slight defeat, she placed the glass back on the shelf where it was to stay until the next person came around.

'I guess I'll buy them next time,' Aoi sighed.

Sakura curtly nodded. 'For now let's find something simple.' Her eyes wondered down the shelf until they stopped to focus on a wine-glass that was wedged between two highball glasses. Sakura's eyes brightened. She'd always found wine glasses so fascinating for some weird reason. She held the bottom of the bowl carefully between her hand. It looked so tiny between her giant fingers. 'Something like this,' she said.

Aoi smiled. 'Something like that.'

531 words

A/N: one of the shortest chapters I have ever written, but sometimes less is more 🤷‍♀️. I need a break from writing long chapters anyways it takes up a lot of my time and it can be quite draining sometimes.

(Yes this chapter is inspired by that one scene from Nana)

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing.

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