"2020 Malibu, 24-MXC." I huff. We're at Topper's dock. Staring at his amazing boat in a distance on Heyward's boat. "The world's finest wakesetter. Number one in quality, luxury, and performance." I continue.
"Do you remember everything I say?" JJ smirks. I glare at him. "Sorry, no time for jokes."
"This is war Pope," I tell him.
"They hit us, we hit them," JJ adds. He puts on a bandana ski mask, going over his nose while Pope takes off his shirt. "Do it," JJ mumbles while Pope takes off his hat, and JJ puts on glasses. I put my hoodie over my head, so it's less obvious it's me. Not the best disguises. Pope then dives into the water. Quickly swimming closer and closer to the 2020 Malibu 24-MXC. He does something on the boat and quickly swims back, holding a screw/handle. He must have pulled the drain plug, this really was war.
"Wow, you did it." JJ laughs, taking off his glasses. "I am so proud of you right now." He smiles. "Holy crap."
"You gonna give him a kiss now?" I smirk.
"Nah, but I'll give you one." He pretends to pucker his lips and lean in, but I push him away.
"You wish."
"JJ? Coral?"
"Yeah?" JJ replies.
"You guys can't tell anybody," Pope answers.
"Oh, no, yeah." I nod.
"Totally dude," JJ adds.
"No, I'm serious, dude." Pope stares at JJ. "Not Kie, not John B, nobody."
"Yup, my lips are sealed." JJ puts up his hands.
"Give me that, give me that." I gesture to the plug. Pope hands it over and I chuck it into the ocean.
"Never to be seen again," JJ mutters. "Okay!" He yells to Pope, "Let's get out of here." As we leave, the boat starts to sink, that's what those bitches get. They have to learn.
Once we set off, JJ says to me, "Hey Kiara and your brother are out surfing, we were gonna go join them, wanna come?"
"Oh, um, I can't surf." I nod.
"Well, I could teach you?" JJ says hopefully.
"Let's save that for a day just the two of us, I would embarrass the shit out of myself. You should spend time just the 4 of you. And I have a lot to do at the Chateau."
"Oh, okay," JJ says, a little disappointed.
"But, I would like you to teach me another day." I smile.
"Yeah, yeah, of course." JJ smiles back.
So once we get back to Heyward they drop me home and I make a list of all the things wrong with the place, we can't afford anything right now, but a girl can dream.
Once they got back, it was starting to get dark, so we went to go sit on the hammocks. JJ, Kiara, and I were on one, and Pope and John B were on the other. Kiara was on one side while JJ and I were squeezed on the other side together, but I didn't mind, it was kinda of comfortable.
"You really think it's out there? Like, no bullshit." Pope says, ending the silence.
"Mu farther thought it was." John B replies.
"But do you?" I ask him. Thunder rumbles in the distance.
"After hearing his voice on that tape... I think I do." He sighs.
"Only one way to find out." Pope gives John B a handshake.
"Look, we're gonna find it, you know?" Kiara says loudly. "Even JJ believes." She says, a little quieter.
"Omg, JJ do you really believe?" I laugh sarcastically.
"Totally. Wait are we talking about four mil?"
"Four hundred mil." Kiara and Pope say together.
"Jinx," Kiara adds.
"I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks." JJ turns on his side, facing me he's so close I can feel his breath on my arm. "Good night bird!" JJ yells.
"Good night, bird shit." John B and I say at the same time. JJ lightly hits my arm.
"Jinx." John B laughs.
Eventually, the others went inside, JJ was practically on top of me so I was stuck there. I was so comfortable that I fell asleep pretty quickly, JJ's breathing in my ear.
When I woke up the next morning, JJ was gone already. Eventually, everyone got going, today was the day we were going to find The Royal Merchant.

JJ and a Routledge
RomanceA couple of months after John B's dad went missing at sea, a girl named Coral shows up at his door claiming to be his sister, whom he never knew he had. They soon begin living together as she exclaims her story and dives into the Pogues and their di...