More gunshots were heard, at this point JJ and I had our backs to the wall, while JJ was stretching his neck to see the action. "This is freaking crazy," Pope tells us, still filming. We're all leaning back over the wall now, lightning struck right when Ward was looking at us.
"Duck down," JJ tells us all, and we quickly do, hoping the crazy Kook didn't catch us.
"Holy shit." I gasp, from the events of the night.
"I think we should go right now. Pope, you have enough, right?" JJ looks over at the boy.
"Yeah," Pope confirms. "Hold on, he's coming out. There he goes, I think he's looking for the gun. I think the gun just went down the drain!" Pope exclaims. "He's looking for it." He continues.
"Guys, I don't wanna get caught," I tell them, shivering. "We have the evidence we need, let's just go." They just ignore me.
"Hey. He's looking for the gun." Pope continues.
I look over at Kiara, getting the urge that she's about to do something dumb. "Kie..." I whisper.
"Here hold this." She puts whatever she had, in Pope's hand, and stood up.
"Kie-" JJ tries to get her back down but she just yells over him.
"What is wrong with you?" She calls out to him. "Murderer!" She can't say anything else because JJ put a hand over her mouth.
"Get down," Pope whispers, not expecting what she just did.
"Shit." I groan, "There's no way he didn't hear that." Kiara continues to scream under JJ's hand, but he has such a firm grip that it's almost inaudible.
"Kiara, are you crazy?" Pope exclaims.
"What are you doing?" JJ adds, finally letting go of her mouth.
"I don't care if he hears me, he's a murderer." She seems to be having a breakdown over this.
"Well, we care, Kiara. Right now we have evidence of him killing someone, imagine if he caught us. This is why we should've left already." I grumble at the last part of my words. I get that Kiara wants to fight for things and make a difference, I do too, but right now is definitely not the time.
"Yeah," JJ agrees with me, rubbing my lower back, "And he's gonna murder us Kie."
"Guys he sees us." Pope gasps, ducking down.
"Are you serious?" JJ groans.
"I knew it." I whimper. "Getting killed was not in my plans tonight."
"We gotta go," Pope exclaims. "Let's go, he's coming!" We all sprint off back to the ladder. Pope goes down first, with his camera.
"Come on, go, go, go, go, go Pope!" JJ calls out. JJ quickly gets on, and right after him, Kiara does, stepping on his hand. "Agh. My hand!" He calls out in pain. This causes him to kick Pope in the face, making them both fall the rest of the way down the ladder.
"Sorry. So sorry." Kiara says as she finishes climbing down the ladder, me close behind her.
"No." Pope gasps, crawling to his telephoto. "No, no, no, no, no." He cries out.
"You're kidding me. You fumbled it?" JJ complains.
"You kicked me in the face." Pope fires back.
"She stepped on my hand!" JJ gestures to Kiara.
Kiara, needing to defend herself, butt in. "I was trying to hurry." She exclaims.
"Let's go, he's coming." JJ grabs my hand, leading me the opposite way we came.
We soon make it back to Kiara's car, all gasping. Next to me, JJ begins to speak. "Could someone fill me in... on what the frick just happened!" He yells at the end of his sentence making me jump. Pope groans after he says this, clearly pissed as well. "Holy crap I can't believe it. Wait, what were they fighting over?" JJ pants.
I watch as Pope examines the broken camera in his hands, "Uh... it was... it was a gun, the one Rafe used. He must have kept it." Pope stammers over the sentence.
"Of course! Of course! The murder weapon!" JJ exclaims. I feel like everyone in the car was trying to connect the dots of what just went down. That's when I notice Kiara calling someone.
"Pick up. Pick up." She cries out.
"Who are you calling?" I question from the back of the car. I think I know who, though.
"Who do you think?" She snaps back at me.
"The cops?" Pope's voice became raspy.
"Who else am I supposed to call?" She bites back.
JJ is pissed, and to be honest, I am too. I know that the camera breaking was a domino effect but if she didn't scream across the street to Ward we wouldn't have had to run down the ladder. "Why would you call the police? That's Ward!" JJ tells her. He continues to say something, and the person on the phone starts talking.
"Shut up!" Kiara screams to the group. That's what she should've done when we were up on that roof. Shut up.
"Hello? Hi. Somebody's been shot at the... at the Grand Street construction site! You guys need to hurry up because he's dying. I don't know if he's already dead or not!" She rants to the man on the other side of the phone, I just want to go back to the Chatuea at this point. "You guys need to-" JJ cuts her off, finally.
"We gotta go. We're sitting ducks." He tells the group.
I nod my head, "We can't stay here."
"What do you want me to do!" Kiara yells at us again.
"Just drive!" I tell her. Luckily, she listens to me, and we're off.

JJ and a Routledge
RomantikA couple of months after John B's dad went missing at sea, a girl named Coral shows up at his door claiming to be his sister, whom he never knew he had. They soon begin living together as she exclaims her story and dives into the Pogues and their di...