I Wish I Could Do Something For Him

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We pull up to a trailer park. An absolutely trashed trailer park."Welcome to Crackhead Wasteland." Sarah  mutters, 

"I don't know about this, man," Pope states. 

We then pull up to one of the trailers. "Dude, why are we at Barry's?" John B asks JJ.

As JJ is getting out, he replies. "This will only take a second." 

"Where are you going?" John B calls out. 

"Yo soy justicia." JJ replies. I am justice. 

"Did you glean anything from that?" Pope asks the group. 

"I am justice," I mumble. "You know somebody should probably-" John B gets out of Twinkie next.

"Yup," he grunts. "I got it." 

We were all pacing outside the van, waiting for the boys to come back out. Eventually, they do, "All right. We're looking at 4 grand and about 160 dollars each for repatriation for putting up with that bullshit. Sorry 'bout that y'all." JJ mutters. 

"So, that's what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers?" I call out, he slowly looks up at me. 

"This Barry guys gonna find out." Sarah agrees, and she glances at me. "And he's gonna come after us." 

"Yes, he will," Pope confirms. "This is not the time to start wilin' out," Pope tells JJ. 

"How'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you?" I shiver at the thought alone. 

"Relax." John B walks towards JJ. 

"He had it right here, on you bro." JJ points at a spot on John B's face. 

"Look." John B tells him. "We gotta go get the gold, okay? Just give me that shit we're putting it back." John B tries to grab the duffle bag from JJ, but JJ slams him against the van. "Do you feel like a tough guy? Huh?" John B looks at him, concerned. "What are you gonna do when he comes for us." He grits his teeth. 

"We punch him, in the throat." JJ grits his teeth right back. 

"Yeah, good fuckin' idea JJ." John B rolls his eyes. 

JJ backs away from John B, shaking his head. "I'm not putting it back." He gets into the van, fumbling with his fingers, and looking down. We still stand there, I guess we were waiting for him to return the money. He suddenly gets back out and puts his hands on his hips. "What?" 

"We're sick of your shit." John B tells him. 

"Oh, my shit?" JJ chuckles. 

"Yeah, yeah. Your shit." John B confirms. 

"Yes," Kiara adds. "Your pulling guns on people shit. None of us like that, especially Coral." She mutters the last sentence.

"Your acting like a freaking maniac-" Pope gets interrupted by JJ. 

"Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you, man!" he yells. "Know how much I owe because of you?" 

"I'm gonna pay you back and I didn't even ask you to do that!" 

"I just did!" JJ gets closer to Pope. "Pay it back," JJ adds. "Right here. Right now. By myself." He looks around at the rest of us. "You know what? That's exactly what I'm gonna do." He reaches into the van to grab the duffle bag. "Go off by myself." He starts walking off. 

"JJ!" I call out after him. I start walking after him, but John B grabs my shoulder.

"Hey wait," he tells me. 

"Just let him go," Sarah adds. 

We were now at The Wreck, everyone was sitting down except me. "Look... He'll come around, okay? He's doing a JJ thing." John B tells us. 

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