Tickling The Wire

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"I plant my phone in his car," He says while putting one AirPod in, "and then we listen on your AirPods." Kie doesn't look convinced. "Say something." He puts his phone by her mouth. 

"Something." She shakes her head. Pope listens for a second. 

"Okay, we have audio." He smiles at his master plan. We soon pull up to a house, it was pretty small but super cute. "I think that's the house over there." Pope gestures to the small home. "All right, honk, or, uh, yell if you hear something suspicious." Pope shrugs. 

Kie nods, "Don't do anything dangerous." 

"Come on. I'm not JJ." Pope smirks. 

"Funny Pope." JJ rolls his eyes. 

"Now, how's it going between you two?" Kie turns around to face us.

"What do you mean?" JJ furrows his eyebrows. 

"She knows, Jay," I mutter. 

"Ahhh." He nods. There's silence for a minute. 

"So..?" Kiara raises an eyebrow. 

"Be more specific," I tell her. 


Jay shakes his head. "Not with everything going on recently." 

"So... Are y'all like together?" 

"I don't know." I sigh. 

"We're just rolling with it." JJ shrugs, pulling me closer to him. 

"I'm gonna turn back around now." Kiara rolls her eyes, and I snuggle into JJ. 

Soon after, Pope sprints back to the car, "Okay. Phase one complete." 

"Why does she get to tickle," JJ complains. We're sitting in the car, and we've all agreed I'm gonna be the one, 'doing the tickling.' 

"She's the best tickler," Pope tells him. 

"Should I like- do an accent?" 

"Definitely disguise your voice." Pope agrees. 

I start to speak in my very practiced English accent. "How would you like me to talk, like this?" JJ's eyebrows raise. 

"That was very good, but no." JJ laughs.

"Yeah, definetley not." Pope agrees. 

"Batman." JJ smirks. 

"Batman," I say in a raspy voice. 

"There ya go." Pope smiles. 

"Spot on," Kiara tells me. 

I soon press the call button, he picks up on the second ring. "Hello?"

I quickly decide not to do the Batman. "I can't do it." I mouth. "Hello, is Gavin there?" 

"This is Gavin. Who's this? Hello?" 

"I know what happened on the tarmac." 

I hear him chuckle. "Um... who's this?" 

"It was Rafe Cameron." I continue. "But you already knew that, and you lied about it." 

"Okay. Who is this?" I can tell he's starting to freak out. 

"We're gonna prove it." 

"You're gonna tell me who this is right now." He demands. 

"You could've saved her, Gavin, and you didn't. And you're not getting away with this." 

"Listen to me!" He yells, it startles me and I jump. "Who is this?!" I just furrow my eyebrows and hang up. 

"How was that?" I ask the group. 

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