Do I Like Him?

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We pull over  in the general area John B dropped the picture of his dad. John B sprints out of the car and I watch him as he quicky finds it on the road. He gets back in the car with a huge smile on his face. "Hit it, Sancho." He pants as he puts his seatbelt back on. 

Suddenly, we get into Figure Eight, John B and I look at each other confused. And then we pull up to what I'm guessing is Sarah's mansion. "We've gotta fix that wound." She tells John B before he can go against her. 

JB shakes his head, "Sarah I can't be here." He runs his hands through his hair and he tries to look through the windows of the house. 

"Okay, well you're gonna have to trust me." She rolls her eyes at him while slowly pulling into the driveway. 

"Yeah, I did that one time already." He barks back. Wasn't he wrong in the end though? This boy sometimes, I swear. 

"We've already been through this." She pulls to a stop. "I didn't rat you out, okay?" Sge glares at him, making him silent. "So suck it up buttercup." She unbuckles her seatbelt, John B and I quickly doing the same. 

Once we enter a door onto the deck, John B whispers, "Listen, I don't think your old man would be happy if an ex-employee was bleeding all over his house-" I shush him, Sarah nods at my gesture. 

"So don't bleed." I tell him, giving him a pat on the shoulder. 

As soon as we get into the main door it takes everything in me not to gasp. This place was gorgeous. I didn't get that much time to take it in because we hear someone yell. "Hey!" We all jump but realize it's coming from up the stairs. The man, I'm assuming Sarah's dad, continues talking and we hear him coming down the stairs, Sarah ushers us into a room beside us. We hid beside the door. 

"Hi!" I hear Sarah say brightly. I bet you her dad is right in front of her. I suddenly hold my breath, as if a small sigh could cause an explosion. 

"What are you doing?" I hear him ask her. 

"Well, what do you mean?" Sarah says, confused. 

"Shut the door." I hear her dad say, I let out a small sigh at the change of subject. 

Her dad then goes out the door and Sarah quickly grabs our hands and drags us upstairs. She shoves us into a library. "Go sit over there, I'll be right back." And then the door closes again. 

"Whoah." John B sighs, reaching up to touch the chandelier. 

"Dude- stop." I laugh quietly at him. Just as I say that Sara comes back in. 

"Okay." she sighs, John B leans down on the couch. "Lift up your shirt," Sarah demands. 

"Okay." John B grunts. 

"That's gotta be infected," I mutter. Sarah opens up the first aid kit and gets out some rubbing alcohol. 

"Wait, is that rubbing alcohol?" John B asks. 

"Yes, it's the only way to be safe." Sarah looks at him, confused. John B's expression changes, not in a good way. "Okay, close your eyes. On the count of three." Sarah faces him, "Okay, one, two." Then she quickly dabs it on and John B groans out in pain. 

I quickly clasp my hand over his mouth. "Shh. Are you kidding me?" Sarah says angrily. 

"My God," I complain, taking my hand off his mouth. 

"Sorry." John B says, still looking up at the ceiling. 

"Never heard anyone whine like that before," Sarah mumbles, continuing to clean up the scratch. John B groans again and then has the audacity to slap Sarah's hand away from his stomach. 

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