4. Impossible connection

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These past 72 hours had been hell. We only had 24 hours left, and not to sound weak, but I slept every chance I got - with Hotch's permission of course. If I wasn't looking at clues, or with another member of the team, I'd be resting my head and closing my eyes. Unfortunately my limit of sleep was about 10-15 minutes before another file would be loudly placed on the table that I happened to be sleeping at.

For the past 25 minutes, my attempts at sleeping had been disturbed. I couldn't stop thinking about Harvey Beasley's case. There had to be something more than what we had deduced. I sleepily pulled my head from my hands and placed my fingers on the edge of the file, pulling it lazily toward me. Shaking my head and drinking a cup of water, I mostly woke myself up, needing to be awake enough to read.

Opening the file, I read every single page, being able to finish the entire 15-page file in just under 2 minutes. The moment I placed the last piece of paper down, something struck, like a lightning bolt lighting up a bulb.

"Botched robbery." I muttered, earning a confused look from JJ and Reid who happened to be near the board with all the photos.

"What?" JJ asked, confused.

"The botched robbery. There is no way that someone didn't get inured and/or killed." I explained further, dialling Penelope's number into the phone that rested in the middle of the table.

"Go for Garcia." She chirped, answering the call.

"Hey, Penelope. I just read the file on Harvey Beasley's botched robbery case and I noticed that there was no mention of any injured persons or fatalities. Was that a mistake?" I asked, listening to the sounds of fingers pressing lightly against a keyboard.

"According to the police record, it wasn't a mistake. There was one fatality, but as part of keeping the case out of the official records, all injuries and fatalities were kept quiet." Penelope seemed shocked by what she had found.

"So the victim's families wouldn't even know. That's horrible." JJ sighed, her fingers going to her forehead.

"What if the UnSub is someone who either witnessed the robbery, or was in contact with someone who did?" Reid had the same lighting strike that I had.

"Garcia, find out everyone involved in the botched robbery. It's either someone involved, or someone in communication with someone involved." JJ asked.

"Can you also find out if any of the victims or possible suspects ever crossed paths within the geographical profile?" I asked, hoping that Penelope could complete both tasks.

"And what is the geographical profile?" Penelope questioned, Reid smiling.

"If you connect the states in which the murders occurred; Georgia, Louisiana and Florida, it forms a triangle, which means that somewhere within that triangle, most likely the center, is where the UnSub is keeping Harvey and Ellie." Reid explained.

"I'll hit you guys back ASAP." Penelope spoke before the line went dead.

Within 15 minutes, we got a call. Figuring it was from Penelope, I answered.

"What's the update? Good or bad?" I asked, hearing Penelope chuckle.

"Good. The one fatality of the botched robbery was 19-year-old Cameron James. His older brother, 21-year-old Archie James was the getaway driver. The whole robbery was his idea, but to prevent himself from being caught and possibly losing his scholarship to Harvard, he enlisted and coerced his younger brother Cameron into pulling the robbery off. During the robbery, Cameron was shot by police twice, once in the chest and once in the head. Harvey had called it quits only 2 minutes prior and got out before the police arrived." Penelope's findings were amazing.

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