23. During 5 years- AJ

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(5 Years Ago)

I sat in the back of a taxi, my suitcases in the trunk as I held my stomach. According to the tests, I was 2-3 weeks pregnant, which didn't bother me, except for the vomiting. Was it a smart idea to fly while pregnant? No. But I did it anyway.

The travel to Sun City Summerlin, Las Vegas, Nevada was fine. I didn't vomit once, but the nausea stuck with me all the way up until I had exited the plane and made it to the nearest bathroom. Oh how I missed the BAU's jet.

Arranging a hotel until I had an apartment or somewhere else to live permanently, I caught a taxi with all of my suitcases. My first night in Sun City Summerlin was nostalgic. As the taxi made its way though Vegas, I was reminded of familiar places and sights. Unfortunately, some places brought back memories that I had spent years trying to forget.

When I laid on my hotel room bed, I exhaled, feeling tired from all the travelling. As I looked up at the ceiling, my phone buzzed, which meant there was only one person who'd be calling me.

"How's the hotel?" Bailey asked.

"It's good enough to last me a few days before I actually start looking for an apartment or house." I sat up, holding my phone to my ear.

"I'm definitely going to come visit you as soon as I let Emily, JJ and Penelope know where you are." Bailey chuckled.

"Please don't tell Morgan, Rossi, Hotch...or Spencer." I asked, hearing a gasp exit Bailey's mouth.

"Why have you iced Spencer out of your life?" She asked, confused.

"I haven't iced him out of my life, Bailey. I wanted us to remain friends. And we were, at first. But it was him who stopped talking to me, not the other way around." I reminded Bailey, who scoffed.

"Whatever you say. But, I better let you go now, seeing as you'll need as much sleep before the baby comes." I could imagine Bailey smiling.

"Goodnight Bailey." I spoke.

"Goodnight AJ." She replied before the line went dead, allowing me to try and get a few hours of sleep.

(9 Months and 3 Weeks Later)

Everything was sorted. I had bought a house within a school district. The house was mostly furnished, a few rooms left unfurnished. The nursery for the babies - yes, babies - had been finished and I knew that any day now, they'd come and just surprise me. I was huge. My boss at the Sun City Summerlin police department actually forced me to go on maternity leave, which I wasn't exactly happy with, considering how much I had loved my new job.

Sitting on my couch, casually chatting Penelope over FaceTime - obviously not showing myself from the chest down - I felt a sudden pain, a pain that I had no experience with. I quickly ended the call, explaining that I had bad cramps and was on my period, but in reality, I was most likely experiencing contractions, which prompted me to not only call my midwife, but call Bailey, who assured me that she would be on the first flight to Sun City Summerlin as soon as she could.

14 hours later, I sat in my hospital bed, Bailey rushing into the room, her face dropping at the sight of seeing two babies in my arms.

"Bailey, I'd like you to meet your niece Sophie Parker-Reid and your nephew Archer Parker-Reid." I smiled, Bailey holding Archer in her arms.

"Who's older, my beautiful niece or my handsome nephew?" Bailey smirked.

"Sophie is a minute and a half older than her brother." I smiled, admiring Bailey's love toward the twins.

(Birthday No. 5)

It had been five years since I discovered that I was pregnant. In that time, I had moved back to Sun City Summerlin, I had gotten a job as a cop at the police station, which proved to be a little better than my job at the BAU, considering I was doing 9-5 days, 5 days a week. I had also given birth to my beautiful twins, a boy, and a girl. Even though they weren't planned, I loved them more than anything. I couldn't believe that they were turning 5.

Bailey came down for their birthday and we spent the entire day organising the new books that they would add to their already huge collection. Funnily enough, I'm pretty sure their collection combined was bigger than mine when I was their age.

JJ sent two birthday cards, along with two books, one for Sophie and one of Archer, both of whom happily sent a Thank You video back to her.

It felt like just yesterday, I was feeling them kick in my stomach, yet here they sat, Archer moving his hair away from his face and Sophie opening up her favourite book.

Deep down, there were sometimes when I wished that Spencer was here. Sometimes I wished that he was here to see his children grow up. I wished that he had been there for the birth of his kids. But, nothing ever happens as we expect it to, so raising them on my own was how it happened.

Of course, I had support from JJ, Bailey and my boss, who did everything in her power to make my job easier with my pregnancy.

I was proud of Sophie and Archer. After everything they have been through; growing up without a father, inheriting mine and Spencer's personalities, as well as our eidetic memory, they still turned out to be just as strong, and just as happy as me, which I love.

"Momma! Check this book out!" Archer handed a book to me. It was the same book that Bailey had given to me for my 20th birthday. Wow, it seemed so long ago, now that I'm 26.

"Your aunt Bailey got that exact same book for me as well! Now we match!" I smiled, watching as Archer gave Bailey a big hug, one that she happily reciprocated.

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