28. Interrogation

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I have been a profiler for over 25 years. I had more experience with the BAU than any of my colleagues, so noticing a change within the team was my specialty. I knew that profiling my colleagues was not the best idea, but sometimes profiling was the only way to find out the truth.

Nothing much had changed within the group. Everyone seemed normal, except Hotch. Ever since Spencer left to care for his mother, Hotch's behaviour had changed, like he knew something the rest of us didn't.

When the group had reached Vegas, we all had our assignments. JJ and Morgan went to the crime scenes. Prentiss went to the M.E. Hotch and I went to the station.

Introducing ourselves to the police, we went to the designated conference room, Hotch shutting the door behind us.

"Aaron, if there was something bothering you, you'd tell me, right?" I asked, watching as Hotch nodded, almost too quickly.

"Of course, Dave." He smiled before we got started.

For the next 3 hours, we looked through all of the information we had been given. I'd look up at Hotch watching as he exhaled, clearly wishing that Spencer, or even AJ was here with us. Taking a much needed coffee break, we watched as Prentiss, JJ and Morgan walked into the station.

"Please tell me you have something." I almost begged, watching as JJ smiled.

"Yes. We have something. It's not much, but it's all we've got." She handed Hotch a photo of what seemed to be a needle.

"That is a needle that has been broken off from the syringe hub that connects to the barrel. Whoever killed the lab tech and the coroner made sure to break the needle." Morgan sighed, crossing his arms.

"Forensic counter-measure. This UnSub is smart." I shook my head, leaning back.

I watched as Hotch stood up, leaving the room.

Something about this seemed odd to me. I dialled Garcia's number and within seconds, she answered.

"Hello my liege. What can I do for you?" She seemed happy to hear from me.

"Garcia, I need you to find out if any of the doctors within the hospital prefer Diphenhydramine as regular medication for their patients." I asked, hearing Garcia begin to type.

"You'll find out within the next 5 minutes." She cheerily spoke before the line went dead.

As expected, within a few minutes, I was answering a call from Garcia.

"So, to answer your query, you were on the right track. Out of every doctor within the hospital, only 2 of them use Diphenhydramine as a medical solution. 56-year-old Dr. Stephen Edwards and 45-year-old Dr. Ruby Hollen." Garcia informed me.

"Thanks." I nodded, taking in the information.

"But wait, there's more. Dr. Stephen Edwards has a connection to Spencer. He was Diana Reid's doctor for over 35 years. Any and all medical updates went through him." She gave me that piece of information, which worried me.

"Are there any recent medical updates related to Mrs. Reid?" I asked, concerned.

"Actually, there is. Records show that she died a few weeks ago, around the same time Reid went to visit her." I heard the sadness in her voice.

"Thanks Garcia. I'll call you if I need anything." I exhaled, hanging up the phone.

I looked back at the conference room, concerned. Spencer's mother had been dead for a few weeks now and Spencer had lied to me.

When Hotch walked back into the conference room, I could tell that he had received news, but wasn't sharing.

"Can everyone please leave the room for a minute. I need to talk to Hotch alone." I announced, watching as Morgan, JJ and Prentiss walked out of the room, leaving me and Hotch.

"Okay, spill." I looked at Hotch, who seemed confused.

"What are you talking about?" He sat down.

"Don't play dumb with me Hotch. What did Garcia tell you?" I asked, sitting down opposite him.

"It was nothing, Dave. I promise." Hotch shook his head.

"Look at me Hotch. I will not sit here and pretend like you don't know something. If this has something to do with the case, or even Spencer, I - and possibly the team - need to know." I glared at him, watching as Hotch exhaled.

"I had Garcia look into any and doctors within the hospital that use Diphenhydramine. She came up with two doctors. One of the doctors happened to be Diana Reid's doctor, and she died a few weeks ago, around the same time that Reid went to visit her. So, I think that his mother was never sick in the first place, and he lied to me- to us." Hotch admitted.

"Okay, we're not telling the team yet. We'll wait a few more days, until we have something else to go on." I informed Hotch, who nodded.


A week had passed without any bodies. Whoever the UnSub was, they had either stopped killing, or they had gone back into hiding, which didn't help us at all. With no new evidence, or a body, we all got back onto the plane and decided that until new evidence appeared or a body showed up, we would work the case from Quantico. By the time 7 pm hit, we had landed back in Quantico.

"Hotch, do you think we need to involve her?" I looked at Hotch, who exhaled.

"If we do, I'll contact her." Hotch explained, walking up to his office.

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