17. BAU banter

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"Spencer, you need to sleep at your own apartment. Sooner or later, someone's gonna start asking questions." I laughed as we walked into the elevator, Spencer pressing the button for the 6th floor.

"I don't need to. My neighbours are aware of my line of work and they mostly assume that I'm out working cases. They have a spare key, so they water my plants and keep everything in order while I'm away." Spencer smiled as he gripped my hand, kissing my cheek.

"You, Spencer Reid, have plants?" I chuckled, shocked.

"Everyone insisted on me getting plants, considering how dull and old my apartment looked." He admitted. The moment the elevator stopped moving, we moved away from each other, keeping suspicions low.

"Why is it that you two always come to work at the same time? It's like you two are having sleepovers at each others apartments." Penelope smiled.

"It's called getting to work on time. It's not our fault that we happen to run into each other on the way here." Spencer rolled his eyes.

"No offence, but Reid isn't lucky enough to win over someone as cute as AJ." Morgan smirked, Spencer laughing sarcastically.

"In your dreams, Morgan." I chuckled, watching as Spencer opened the door to let me in, like the kind boyfriend he was.

"What is Morgan's deal with making fun of our sex lives?" I whispered to Spencer as we walked to our desks.

"Ever since I met him, he's been determined to find me someone as smart and as nerdy as me. That includes knowing all about my sex life." Spencer rolled his eyes.

"Well, if only he knew that you were newly reinstated as the team's sex king." I joked, earning a nudge from Spencer, who chuckled.

"If Morgan knew, he'd have a field day." Spencer sat down, watching as Penelope pulled Morgan aside, talking to him.

"What are they talking about?" Spencer directed my attention to the pair, who kept glancing at us every couple of minutes.

"If it's about us, 1. I don't wanna know, and 2. We're screwed." I rolled my eyes, trying to pay attention to the pile of case files in my desk.

"Cat's still in our custody." Morgan exhaled. I watched as Spencer rolled his eyes, groaning.

"Mind my language, but when will the bitch be sent back to prison?" I asked, confused.

"We can get her sent back today, as long as that's what Reid wants?" Morgan looked at Spencer, who nodded.

"The sooner she goes back, the sooner my life can get back on track." Spencer exhaled, leaning back in his seat.

The day was filled with paperwork. The moment I got the first few done, I put the files on Hotch's desk before returning to my seat, watching as Prentiss groaned, nearly throwing her pen onto her desk.

"Prentiss. You up for some lunch? Maybe we can get to know each other a little?" I walked over to Prentiss' desk. She looked up and nodded, jumping up from her seat.

I nodded at Spencer, who smiled back at me before anyone could notice.

"Penelope and Morgan were right. Anna-Jo Reid does have a ring to it." Prentiss giggled as we entered the elevator.

"Please, don't make me regret going to lunch with you." I rolled my eyes, recalling wishing that I was having lunch with Spencer and not Prentiss.

"You know you can call me Emily, right?" She smiled.

"Yeah, right. Sorry, Emily." I chuckled.

The rest of the lunch was simple. We talked about work, about our other co-workers, and how annoying Morgan could be some times. When we got back, Emily walked up to Hotch's office and I returned to my desk, Morgan turning his attention off the cases in his desk, but instead to me.

"You know, if you and Pretty Boy got married, you'd become Dr Reid as well." Morgan smirked as he sat on his chair, looking between me and Reid.

"God, really Morgan? There is nothing going on between Reid and I. We're simply friends who like to hang out." I glared at Morgan, who went back to his work.

"He is so nosey." I rolled my eyes as Spencer chuckled.

"Guys, I need help. Kevin wants to take me on a real date." Penelope walked into the bullpen, visibly concerned.

"What? You've never been on a real date?" I questioned, confused.

"No. We just kinda knew that we were made for each other." Penelope shrugged her shoulders.

"So you skipped the date and went straight to sex?" Morgan smirked.

"Morgan!" Emily hit Morgan's shoulder, rolling her eyes.

"What? It's a question." Morgan held his hands up in defence.

"What happened to a first date?" Penelope gasped, confused.

"Some people are just...not made for going on a first date." Morgan smirked.

"And that's why no one ever asks for your opinion when it comes to dating. You're too busy going from one girl to the next." JJ retorted, causing both Spencer and Emily to spit out the sips of coffee that they had just consumed.

"Okay, JJ. When was the last time you went on a date?" Morgan sat forward, curious.

"It's been a while..." JJ exhaled.

"JJ, not going on a date in a while is better than sleeping around with multiple women every two weeks." I smiled at JJ, who smiled back.

"Yeah. You're less likely to contract an STI, unlike Morgan, who probably has a new woman in his bed every couple of days." Spencer smirked, finally getting payback for all the times Morgan had mocked him for his sex life.

"Just because I may sleep around with different women, doesn't mean I contract any STI's." Morgan rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Look who's getting defensive now! You finally know how it feels when you poke and prod into our love lives." Emily smirked, poking Morgan's shoulder.

"No. What I do is childish and stupid. What you just did is accuse me of having an STI. There's a difference." Morgan glared at us.

"Sure there is, Morgan. Sure there is." JJ rolled her eyes.

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