21. Forever linked

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Bailey and I packed up my room. 2 weeks after Spencer and I split, I needed to leave. I needed to start fresh. Although, my idea of starting fresh was moving back to my hometown, visit my brother and hopefully work as a cop in Sun City Summerlin.

Bailey was upset, but I promised to FaceTime her every day, and update her on my life.

My flight back to Vegas wasn't until tomorrow night, but the sooner I finished packing, the better I felt. Something about situation didn't feel right. For the past week, I had been nauseous and vomiting every day. I had picked up some anti-nausea medication, but it didn't help. I actually considered the fact that I might be sick, so I stayed in bed and Bailey took care of me.

When Emily, JJ and Penelope hadn't heard from me in a few days, of course, I filled them in and they happily took turns in taking care of me when they weren't on cases. Even Rossi and Morgan came over a few times to help out. I understood why Spencer never came over. He gave me a card, that Morgan handed to me, but apart from that, my contact with Spencer was minimal.

After many days in bed, vomiting, unable to eat much, I knew that there was something more than a simple cold or sickness happening. I needed to make sure.

"AJ, as much as I'd love to indulge your little theory, are you sure? I mean, I'm pretty sure that you and Spencer were careful." Bailey sat down, a cup of coffee in her hand as she smiled at me.

"I wouldn't be telling you if I wasn't sure. I have all the symptoms." I rolled my eyes, trying to remain calm. If this was really happening - what I thought was going on - then my life was about to change.

"Have you even tested?" Bailey questioned me, putting her cup down.

"No, not yet." I shook my head.

"Jesus, AJ. Test first and then you can start panicking." Bailey rolled her eyes as she slipped on some shoes, grabbed her bag and held my hand as we walked out of the apartment, locking the door behind us.

"I mean, do I tell Spencer? He has the right to know, doesn't he?" I asked as Bailey started the car, pulling out of the apartment complex parking lot.

"Oh my god. AJ, I am 10 seconds from throwing you out of the car and going alone. STOP panicking until you know for sure." Bailey hit my shoulder.

The rest of the drive was silent. Bailey was focusing on the road, while I focused on trying not to be sick. Arriving at the pharmacy, the first thing I aimed to find a test, which I did within 2 minutes of walking inside.

Bailey obviously headed for the beauty section, meeting up with me once we both had what we came for.

As we drove home, I held 3 different tests in my hand, feeling more sick than I had before we arrived.

The moment I stepped inside the apartment, Bailey locked the door behind us.

"I'll be in my room. Call for me when you know." Bailey smiled, wrapping her arm around my torso. I let a few tears slip.

"It's okay, AJ. Everything is going to be okay. We can figure this out." Bailey hugged me tighter.

"I'll be out in 15." I nodded my head, pulling away from Bailey's grip.

I walked to the bathroom, opening the three tests. Before I had the chance to vomit, I did what I needed to do. Putting the used tests on the counter, I set a timer for 15 minutes.

I sat on the bathroom floor, looking around at my surroundings. Even the bathroom reminded me of Spencer. When my timer went off, I stood up and slowly walked over to the counter, my hands shaking.

The moment my eyes landed on the tests, my stomach dropped. Each and every test that sat on the counter either had a plus sign or said the word Positive.

"Bailey!" I yelled, hearing footsteps quickly tapping along the floor.

I opened the bathroom door and immediately wrapped my arms around her torso. I didn't feel overly happy to be pregnant, but I wasn't sad either.

"So, you're not gonna tell Spencer?" Bailey asked, holding me.

"No, but I am going to tell someone." I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and clicked on a number, putting my phone to my ear.

"Hey, AJ. You okay?" I hear JJ's voice on the other end of the phone call.

"We need to talk. I have some news." I spoke, feeling sick.

"You can come to mine. I'll send you my address." JJ chuckled before the line went dead. I waited a few minutes before JJ had sent me her address.

"I'm going to meet JJ. I'll be back in an hour." I smiled at Bailey before grabbing my phone, purse and keys.


I pulled up at JJ's house, allowing myself a minute to collect my thoughts and emotions before getting out and locking the car. As I walked up to her front door, my hands shook, the tests in my purse.

"Oh, AJ. I missed you! Everyone misses you at the BAU." JJ hugged me as she opened the front door, allowing me inside.

"And I miss everyone too, but, what I want to tell you...no one can know, especially not Spencer. Promise me you won't tell anyone." I looked at JJ as we sat on her couch. I could see the concerned expression on her face, but she nodded.

"I promise. Is everything okay?" She asked, holding my hand.

"I'm pregnant, and it's Spencer's." The moment those words left my mouth, it became real for me. I was pregnant with Spencer's child.

I could feel the nausea get worse, but I didn't let it come up.

"Oh my gosh! Congratulations!" She hugged me with a huge smile on her face.

"You and Bailey are the only two people who know. Please keep it that way." I asked, practically begging her.

"Of course. Do you think you'll ever tell Spencer?" JJ asked, concerned.

"I don't know. Probably not. Hotch knows better than anyone how a baby can mess with the job. I don't want to put that kind of pressure or stress on Spencer." I shook my head.

"I totally understand. Your secret is safe with me. But stay safe AJ. You and your little one." JJ put her hand on my stomach before wrapping me in a hug. After a few minutes I pulled away, saying goodbye to JJ before leaving her house and heading back to mine and Bailey's apartment.

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