16. Reconciliation

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"AJ, please, wait!" I could hear Spencer calling my name as I got into the elevator, hoping to escape the situation.

Before the elevator doors could shut, he got in, putting his arms around me. I shook him off, trying to hold the tears back. Just looking at him made me feel sick.

"AJ-" The moment the elevator door opened, I was out and heading toward the front doors of the FBI. Unfortunately, we had driven to work in Spencer's car, meaning my car was still at my apartment. Beginning to walk home, Spencer stopped me.

"Look, AJ. Please, just listen to me. I can explain." He held my hand gently. I silently nodded, getting into his car before he drove me to my apartment.

We eventually got to my apartment, Spencer shutting and locking the door when we got inside.

"Go ahead. Talk." I sat down, avoiding Spencer's gaze.

"A year ago, Cat was a member of an online network of hitmen that cropped up and became known as "Miss .45". Having developed tendencies, Cat was the only member of the network who preferred to kill her targets up-close and personal, in contrast to the long-distance kills carried out by her colleagues. Though she was faithful to a vast majority of her contract kills, she actually double-crossed three of her clients when they wanted her to kill their wives, as said clients reminded her of Daniel - her father - who she was still searching for." Spencer started, sitting down.

"To try and lure her into capture, I went undercover as a married man who wanted his wife killed. She figured out that she was being set up and revealed that I - in fact - had been the one trapped. After a very long 30 minutes, she attempted to leave, but I managed to prevent her from leaving by claiming that I had found her father - but I hadn't, because he was dead. She eventually believed me and we had managed to trick her to getting into the back on an armoured van, where she was handcuffed." The more and more Spencer spoke, the more I wanted to just close my eyes and sleep, but I had to keep listening.

"Then she and her partner got revenge on me by framing me. They made me hallucinate similarly to Mr. Scratch. I was arrested for murder and drug possession. Because of her revenge plan, I spent 3 months in prison, before I was released due to being innocent." Spencer cut down the second interaction.

"And now, she's sitting in an interrogation room within the FBI." Spencer shrugged his shoulders.

"I promise you, AJ. She and I, we have a history, but it's nothing like what you heard in the interrogation room. I was simply playing along with her fantasy so that I could find out what she wanted." Spencer held my hand, a loving look in her eyes.

"I love you, and only you." He kissed my hand, like a gentleman.

"I don't care about your history with Cat. You don't have to be a profiler to know that she was trying to mess with you." I shook my head.

"But what I do care about, is the fact that you didn't at least tell me about her, or Maeve, before." I exhaled.

"Cat, maybe. But- Maeve is a difficult part of my life to talk about. She was my girlfriend...for a while, but things...and people, got in the way. She had a stalker, who turned out to be someone who was rejected by her. She stayed inside with her curtains drawn. I knew about her stalker, but when I offered to help her, she declined. We mostly talked through various payphones, never using our own phones. We eventually saw each other in person when she was kidnapped and eventually killed in a murder/suicide." Spencer exhaled, clearly trying to hold back tears. Without warning, I wrapped my arms around Spencer's neck, my left hand moving through his hair as I let him cry.

"I- I'm so sorry Spence. If I had known how hard that was for you, I wouldn't have said anything." I rubbed his back, feeling guilty.

"You're right. I should have told you. I just- I didn't know when the right time would've been." Spencer sobbed before pulling away, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I guess this means that we're okay." I looked at Spencer, who chuckled.

"Are you sure? How do I know that there aren't any skeletons in your closet?" He smiled, holding my hand.

"I promise, that if there were any skeletons in my closet, you'd know." I winked, making Spencer scoff as he put his head on my shoulder, his right thumb gently rubbing my right hand.

"Would a skeleton include your parents? Maybe your sibling?" Spencer asked, leaning back.

"How did you-" Before I could finish, Spencer exhaled.

"Bailey, she- uh, told me, when you were in the hospital after the UnSub sliced you and knocked you unconscious." Spencer looked at me, waiting for permission to continue.

"Of course she did." I chucked, rolling my eyes.

"My, uh, parents were found dead in our home. The case was open for about 6 months, before it went cold with no new leads. My 16-year-old brother, Cody, he tried to commit suicide after finding out that the case went unsolved. I managed to find my brother before he died and he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital 2 days later. He's been there ever since." I explained, watching as Spencer tried to speak, but clearly at a loss for words.

"Wow, I'm so sorry AJ." Spencer held me, allowing me to cry. I hadn't really thought about my family in years.

"Not trying to sound weird, but does this mean that I'm forgiven?" Spencer smiled, holding my head in his hands as our foreheads touched.

"You're more than forgiven Spence. I love you." I kissed, feeling a smile creep into his face.

"I love you too." He spoke in between the passionate kisses.

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