43. Charged

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As much as returning to the BAU was my dream, I knew it wouldn't happen. Instead, I was offered a position within the FBI, basically teaching profiling to new trainees wanting to join the BAU.

One thing that had constantly been on my mind since I was released from the hospital was Spencer and the case. On my days off from work, I was sitting in a court room, watching as Spencer was tried for the murder of 3 people.

I expected to be a witness that would be called up to testify, and that's exactly what happened. I spent 3 hours at work, before I drove to the court room and sat in front of the judge, anxiously waiting to testify.

Eventually, I was called up to testify. I spoke the oath and sat down in front of the entire court room. Hotch, Emily, JJ, Rossi, Derek and Penelope weren't working a case, considering they had a hand in the case being presented.

"Please state your name." The lawyer asked as she walked up to me.

"My name is Anna-Jo Parker. AJ for short." I looked at the lawyer, trying to keep a calm face as Spencer sat at the defence table, his eyes glued to me.

Even though I had been a profiler for many years, I couldn't figure out how Spencer was feeling. Considering he was a profiler long before I joined the BAU, he learned how to conceal his feelings around other profilers.

"Ms. Parker, what exactly is your relationship with the defendant?" She asked, looking at me.

"He is my ex-boyfriend, my former co-worker and the father of my two children." I exhaled, trying to avoid Spencer's gaze.

"So, it's safe to say that he's had a pretty big impact on your life, both professionally and personally." She questioned, smiling at me. She clearly wasn't trying to seem mean when questioning me.

"Yes. He did." I responded, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me.

After 10 minutes of more questions, Spencer's lawyer stood up, walking over to me.

"Do you regret your relationship with Dr. Reid?" He asked, tilting his head.

"No. If I hadn't met him, I would never have had the pleasure of bringing my beautiful children into the world." I smiled.

"The two children that he had no idea about until a few months ago." He raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Yes." I could feel the harshness of his questions radiating off him. He clearly wanted to trap me, and I wasn't going to let him.

"Why didn't you tell Dr. Reid about his children?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"As I explained to my friend, Jennifer 5 years ago, Agent Hotchner knew better than anyone how a baby can mess with the job. I didn't want to put that kind of pressure or stress on Dr. Reid." I explained, feeling JJ's supporting smile.

"So, you went through your pregnancy without him by your side? Is he even listed as the father on their birth certificates?" The lawyer asked, confused.

"I went through my pregnancy with the help of my best friend Bailey Summers. And yes, Dr. Reid is listed as their father on both their certificates." I sat up straight.

(3 Weeks Later)

Today was the day that the verdict would be decided. I arrived to work as normal, sat my bag down and watched as future FBI agents filtered into the large room.

"I'm hoping that you all did your homework, and studied up on the case file that Agent Hotchner was kind enough to give us." I smiled, watching as a few of them grabbed a pen and paper.

"Now. Can anyone give me the first step in building the profile?" I asked, watching as a few hands flew up.

I chuckled, letting one of them answer the question.

After 3 hours, I was called by Hotch back to the courthouse, another agent covering my lesson. When I sat down in the courtroom, my hands started fidgeting, which had become something I did whenever I was anxious.

Spencer stood up, his hands tucked away into the pockets of his pants.

"The verdict has been decided." The judge announced as I tried to remain calm.

"The court hereby finds Dr. Spencer Reid guilty of 1st degree murder on three accounts. He will serve a 25 year sentence with a chance of parole." The judge announced before banging his gavel.

Like a slow-motion sequence, I watched as Spencer was handcuffed and removed from the courtroom.

I immediately ran to the bathroom, feeling sick. I was happy that he was being rightfully punished, but the idea of my children growing up without their father around scared me.

Resident Genius 2.0 (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now