10. Worried

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Sitting in the SUV with Morgan and AJ, I tried to focus on our possible arrest. But every now and again, I found myself looking at AJ for more time than I should have. Luckily for me, she was too focused on the case to notice my staring.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as AJ used a hair tie to put her hair into a ponytail. She adjusted her FBI bullet-proof vest and took a few deep breaths in, clearly trying to relax.

I had known AJ for a little under a month. And in that time, I had gotten to know a lot about her. She was basically a female version of me, which I found to be quite cool. I could finally seem normal to someone in our group of 6.

"Time to end this." Morgan announced.

Reid, Morgan and I met with JJ, Prentiss and Rossi, all of us preparing.

"AJ, you go with Reid in through the front. Morgan and Rossi will go in through the back. Prentiss and I will check the shed out back." JJ instructed as we all got our guns, preparing for arrest.

Reid and I slowly walked up to the front door.

"3...2...1." I counted before I used my foot to bash down the door that led to the abandoned house.

"FBI!" I yelled as we started searching the house, our guns ready to go.

"FEDERAL AGENTS!" I heard Reid yell.

We cleared the first 3 rooms, no sign of Jackson anywhere.

As I got to the basement, I heard rustling. Turning on my flashlight, I headed down the short staircase, seeing a figure moving around in the dark, until I flashed my light so I could see him.

"Jackson Davidson! Hands up where I can see them!" I hissed, getting closer.

He almost complied with my command before I was punched in the stomach. I barely moved, trying to keep the pain away, but it didn't last long, as we got into a fist fight. Putting my gun away, I punched him a few times, but I was slashed across the arms with something sharp, causing me to wince in pain. Pulling back, I closed my eyes and covered the painful area, seeing that my hand had blood on it. Without warning, I felt another slash, this time to my face. I fell to the floor in pain, my left hand going from my right arm to my cheek every few minutes.

Just as the pain got worse and my vision became blurry, I felt something enter my left arm, cause me to yell in pain, but without the noise. After a few minutes, the pitch-black room became even darker.

I searched the last room of the house before hearing a door slam and heavy footprints across the door. Following the sound, I managed to tackle the UnSub to the floor, yelling out for Morgan and Rossi's assistance. Helping the now handcuffed Jackson off the floor, Rossi took him while Morgan and I walked outside.

"You okay, Reid? You took quite a fall by tackling him." Morgan smiled, patting my back.

"Yeah. Worst case scenario, I end up with a few bruises." I laughed.

"Wait. Has anyone seen AJ?" I questioned, looking around.

Hearing no response, I ran back into the house, starting to panic.

"AJ! AJ!" I yelled, hoping that maybe she'd let me know where she was.

Morgan and I searched the house again. Every door was open from my previous search, except one. The basement.

"AJ!" I yelled as I ran down the steps. Turning on the nearest light my heart dropped when I saw AJ laying on the floor, her eyes closed, a gash on her arm and a gash on her cheek.

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