18. Ultimatum

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Someone was bound to discover the secret. I had just hoped that it wasn't Hotch, but here I sat, at my desk, watching as Spencer was brought into Hotch's office, a stern look in his face. Just before he shut the door to his office, he glanced at me, shaking his head.

"What's wrong? Why's Reid with Hotch?" Emily asked as she and Morgan entered the BAU bullpen.

"I don't know." I lied, knowing exactly why Reid was with Hotch.

I sat at my desk for an hour and a half, watching, waiting, hoping that Spencer was okay. I knew how much this job meant to him, so the idea of him potentially losing it, I was scared.

Before long, Spencer was walking out of Hotch's office, both him and Hotch remaining calm and neutral. As Spencer headed toward the stairs, I caught a glimpse of Strauss.

"Shit." I muttered, before seeing Hotch gesture for me to come to his office.

"Okay, what's going on? First Reid, and now AJ? Please tell me neither of them are getting promoted." Morgan groaned.

"Not in the slightest." I exhaled as I ascended the stairs, eventually making it to Hotch's office. I walked inside and saw Strauss standing near the window, her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face.

"AJ, do you have any idea why you've been brought in here today?" Hotch asked, looking at me as I sat down.

"I have some idea, yes." I admitted, not wanting to upset either of them more than they must have been.

"What do you know in regards to the rule on fraternisation with co-workers?" Strauss asked, getting straight to the point.

Looking down at my hands, I tried to remain calm, being reminded of Emily's words to me.

"As long as you don't get into a romantic relationship with anyone on this team, you're okay to date." Prentiss warned as Reid handed each of us a file.

"Agent Parker?" Strauss snapped me out of my daze. I looked at her, exhaling.

"We aren't allowed to get into any romantic relationships with our co-workers." I looked down again, knowing exactly where this conversation would end.

"Exactly. Now, I'm not saying that you and Reid don't work well together, because you do. But, I'm not going to bend the rules for the sake of a relationship that might not last. And, if it doesn't last, I don't want the team being split between you and Reid." Hotch leaned back, looking between me and Strauss.

"So, here is what's going to happen. You have two choices; 1. You can either remain in a relationship with Dr. Reid, but you aren't allowed to work in the BAU, or even the FBI." Strauss gave me the first option, which broke my heart.

"Or 2. You can remain in the BAU, but the relationship between you and Dr. Reid ends." Strauss spoke, uncrossing her arms.

"I'm not trying to undermine you when I say this, but I can understand being fired from the BAU, but the FBI entirely? Kevin Lynch and Penelope Garcia are in a relationship and they're in separate departments!" I sat up, confused.

"That relationship was allowed to continue only because they had started off in separate departments, and not on the same team. Now, you have until the end of the week to give me your answer. Do I make myself, clear?" Strauss informed me.

"Yes, ma'am." I nodded before she excused herself and left Hotch's office.

"Hotch, please tell me you don't agree with Strauss. I know that if Spencer and I worked hard enough, we could keep our private lives and our work lives separate!" I begged, almost letting tears slip from my eyes.

"Like I said, I'm not saying that you and Reid don't work well together, because you do. But, it's Strauss' order. Not mine." Hotch uncross his arms, exhaling before letting me leave his office.

The moment I closed Hotch's office door behind me, I hastily walked to my desk, grabbed my bag and walked toward the elevator, avoiding any and all questions from the team. I couldn't let them see me like this, at least, not yet. I needed my best friend right now.

I slammed my apartment door shut, bursting into tears the moment I dropped my bag to the floor.

"AJ? You okay?!" Bailey rushed over to me, holding me as I cried.

"Strauss - Hotch's boss - gave me an ultimatum. Break up with Spencer and stay in the BAU, or-" I could barely continue, but Bailey had figured it out.

"-or stay with Spencer, but leave the BAU." Bailey exhaled as she helped me to my room, laying me down on my bed.

"I have until the end of the week to decide." I sobbed, feeling my heart slowly break at the thought of having to break up with Spencer.

Within 10 minutes, Bailey was answering the front door, allowing someone into the apartment.

"AJ, what happened with Strauss and Hotch?" I heard his voice. I sat up and faced Spencer.

"What do you think happened? Strauss gave me an ultimatum. Break up with you and stay in the BAU, or leave the BAU and stay with you. I have until the end of the week to decide." I informed Spencer, who exhaled, rubbing his eyes.

He pulled me into a loving embrace, allowing me to cry.

"Shh, AJ, you're okay. Everything's okay. We're gonna figure this out." Spencer hugged me, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I could hear my bedroom door shut, so I figured Bailey had left.

Hours had passed, and we had found ourself just laying on my bed, Spencer's large hands around my waist as he placed one kiss after another on my forehead.

"What do I do? I don't want to leave the BAU. I love my job with you and the BAU, but I don't want to break up with you. I don't want to lose you." I cried, hoping that the answer would come to me.

"I'd definitely miss you if you left, but at least I'd still get to kiss you, and hug you and spend nights at here." Spencer smiled, kissing me again.

"First I lose my parents, then I nearly lose my brother and now, I'm possibly going to lose my first and hopefully last boyfriend. My life sucks." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't forget, you'll only lose me if you chose the BAU, and even then, we'll still see each other every day." Spencer smirked, starting to kiss my neck.

"As much as I'd enjoy where the neck kisses are leading to, I'd much rather focus on making a decision so that I can get Strauss off my back."
I rolled away from Spencer, sitting up.

"You can't ask to be transferred to a different department?" Spencer asked, confused.

"No. I made that argument with Strauss, even bringing up Kevin and Penelope, but she disagreed with me, stating "That relationship was allowed to continue only because they had started off in separate departments, and not on the same team." I scoffed.

"I'm stuck, Spence. On one hand, I wanna stay. My job at the BAU, is the only job that I've ever felt happy. But, I feel that being with you is more important, that our love is something I can't just let go of." I admitted, wiping the tears from my face.

"Well, I'll support whatever you decide. I'm not going to give you my advice, seeing as I'm bias, but whatever you choose, I'll be okay. Even if it means that we can't be together, I'll still love you, even if I can't show it." Spencer smiled, placing a kiss on my lips before leaving me alone in my bedroom, most likely leaving my apartment all together.

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