19. The decision

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Never in my life did I imagine making a choice between a man that I love and a job that I worked so hard to get, but here I stood, at the entrance to the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia. I hadn't spoken to Spencer in three days. I took three days to make my decision, and to say that making the decision was hard, would be an understatement.

I spent two days crying and I spent the last day actually trying to make a decision. Bailey even offered to help, but I declined, knowing that making her help me wasn't fair on either of us.

Making my way up to the BAU office, I was greeted to the familiar sight of the team at their respective desks. Morgan sat at his desk, with Emily sitting on his table, listening to whatever he was talking about. JJ focused on her work and Spencer just sat and watched as Emily hung on Morgan's every word.

The moment my hands grasped the metal bars that opened the big glass doors, I could feel the team's eyes on me. I pushed through and walked into the bullpen, putting down my bag on my desk.

"AJ, you okay? You look like you've barely slept." Spencer didn't care anymore if the team found out. Hotch and Strauss had found out, it was only right that they knew too.

Without hesitation, Spencer held my hand, staring at me. He stood up and pulled me up with him. In that moment, everyone's eyes were on us. Morgan, Emily, JJ, Rossi, even Penelope. They were all watching us, confused as to what Spencer was about to do.

"I've made my decision, Spence. I have to tell Strauss, today." I informed him before he pulled me in for the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. I knew it was inappropriate for us to kiss right in the middle of the bullpen, surrounded by our team, but I didn't care.

"About damn time." Morgan smiled as he put his hand on Spencer's shoulder, pulling him into a hug.

"How long?" Penelope asked as the girls pulled me into a hug.

"A few months now." I admitted, each of the women watching me, smiling with excitement.

"Ahem." Hotch made his presence known, the entire team facing him. Spencer refused to let go of my hand, even when Hotch was glaring at him.

"We have a new case. JJ will hand those to you now." I wasn't at all confused when JJ handed a file to everyone except me.

"Meet in the conference room in 5. AJ, you'll remain at your desk until further notice. I will not be joining you, so once again, JJ will be acting as Unit Chief." Hotch informed as the group looked between me and Hotch, confused.

He retreated back to his office. We all turned around when we heard a set of heels click against the floor. We all looked at Strauss, who walked through the bullpen and up to Hotch's office without once looking at any of us.

"Well, that can't be good." Morgan exhales.

"Conference room, now." JJ nodded as I sat down. I watched in sorrow as Spencer followed the team into the conference room, the door shut behind them. I faced my desk, seeing a few files. I decided to get the last of the files done whilst I waited for Hotch and Strauss.

Eventually, I watched as Hotch's office door opened, Hotch signalling me to come inside. I walked up the steps and into his office, hearing the door lock behind me.

"Let's cut right to the chase, shall we? What is your choice, Agent Parker?" Strauss stood in front of me.

"If you don't mind, I'd rather tell my choice to Agent Hotchner, and not you." I stood my ground, watching as Strauss moved to the side, allowing me to face Hotch.

"Agent Hotchner. My time with the BAU - while short lived - has been the best experience in my life, even if I have been injured and kidnapped within weeks of each other. I have enjoyed solving cases, saving lives, and getting to know each and every one of my team members." I started, watching as Hotch exhaled, knowing where I was going.

"I was willing to transfer to another department, if it meant that I was allowed to continue my romantic relationship with Dr. Spencer Reid. But, with that option not available, I had to make a hard choice. Spencer Reid is the love of my life. Our relationship may be odd and unconventional, but I want to make it work." I exhaled, trying not to cry.

"Which is why, as of today, I will no longer be a member of the Behavioural Analysis Unit, or associated with the FBI. My paperwork is complete and is waiting for you on the desk outside." I informed Hotch. He looked genuinely shocked by my choice.

"It's been a privilege to work for you, and alongside you, Agent Hotchner." I shook his hand, before facing Strauss.

"You can leave your gun and badge on your desk. Stay safe, Anna-Jo Parker." Strauss attempted to shake my hand, but I didn't let her. I unlocked the door and left the office, feeling all of my emotions coming at me all at once. The next 10 minutes of my life felt like slow-motion.

As I walked down the steps, heading toward the desk that used to be mine, the team exited the conference room, all of them stopping to watch me walk. I looked up at Spencer and almost stopped, but didn't, wanting to get as far away from Stauss as possible. I could feel all of their eyes on me as I picked up my bag and jacket, placing them on the desk. Looking up at the group, they still hadn't moved from their place, watching as I removed my gun and holster from my belt, and my badge from my jacket, placing the three items down on the desk.

Before anyone could say anything, I put on my jacket and swung my bag over my shoulder, heading straight for the elevator. I could hear Spencer trying to get my attention, even hearing his shoes tapping along the floor as he tried to follow me, but before he could catch up, I had already called for the elevator. I looked down and typed a message on my phone. Walking into the elevator, I looked up to see Spencer looking down at his phone and then back up at me.

Me: Call me when you're back from your case. I love you. Xx

I smiled, nodding as the elevator doors shut, distancing me even further from the BAU.

I couldn't stop looking between the elevator door and my phone.

"Hotch, what happened? Why did AJ just leave her gun and badge? Please don't tell me you fired her." I turned around and saw Hotch, watching as he let Strauss leave the building.

"Dr. Reid. I hope this serves as a little reminder that relationships between co-workers, especially in the same team, are not allowed. You should be glad that she considered you more important than her job." Strauss explained before leaving the office.

"I didn't fire her. She quit." Hotch shook his head.

"She quit? AJ wouldn't just quit. That's not like her." Morgan stood by me.

"Strauss gave her an ultimatum and she chose Reid over her job." Hotch exhaled.

"Well, if AJ isn't here, then I'm not going." I stood up for myself, shocking everyone.

"Reid, pick your next words wisely. If you refuse to come with us on this case, I will have you suspended for a month." Hotch glared at me.

"Hotch. Take it easy on the kid." Rossi looked at Hotch, who refused to stop looking at me.

"Then I'm suspended for a month." I snapped, grabbing my jacket and bag, leaving the BAU office.

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