27. Secrets

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Not one phone call or message had been responded to. Spencer said a few days - worst case scenario, a week. Yet, it had been just over 2 weeks and there had been no communication with Spencer at all. None of the team had heard from him, which started to concern me. The team had started asking questions.

At first, I told them that Spencer had been feeling unwell and requested a few days off, but when that excuse became old, I told them that his mother had fallen ill and was being moved to a different facility, and he went to go and comfort her. Everyone seemed to believe me, which helped.

Standing up from my desk, I grabbed the two files and walked out of my office, grabbing the attention of JJ.

"Get the team. We might have a case." I informed JJ, who furrowed her eyebrows.

"No cases have come across my desk." She questioned, confused.

"This one came directly to me." I exhaled before making my way to the conference room.

Putting the files gently onto the table, I watched as JJ, Prentiss, Rossi, Morgan and Garcia walked into the room, all of them confused when they didn't see Spencer sitting at the desk, considering he's almost always the first team member to arrive.

"Spencer still visiting his mother?" Morgan asked as I nodded, waiting to start.

"This is 37-year-old Nathaniel Sanders. He was a coroner at the Sun City Summerlin Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas." I explained, showing the image of the doctor.

"This is 30-year-old Philip Santiago. He is the toxicology lab technician at the medical center that is connected to the Sun City Summerlin Hospital." I showed them the second image.

"A few days ago, both of these men were found dead. Mr. Santiago's body was found in an alleyway. Dr. Sanders' body was found in the park directly opposite the hospital." I showed them the images of their bodies, watching as the team looked in confusion.

"COD?" Prentiss asked.

"A high dosage of Diphenhydramine." I exhaled, each of them gasping.

"Both men showed signs of experiencing seizures caused by the high amount of Diphenhydramine, before they died." I explained, sitting down.

"Okay, please tell me I'm not the only one experiencing a bit of deja vu?" JJ asked as I nodded.

"You're not alone JJ. This is the Jackson Davidson case. He used the same drug, except he used enough to make someone sleep, not die." I showed them the case file, watching as most of the team groaned or rolled their eyes.

"So, are we looking for someone connected to Davidson?" Roadie questioned.

"Yeah, maybe a family member or friend who wants to wreak havoc?" Morgan asked, following on from Rossi's thought.

"For now, no. The only connection these two cases share is the use of Diphenhydramine. We have to assume that this is a totally different UnSub." I shook my head.

"Should someone contact Reid, make sure he's aware of the situation?" Garcia asked, concerned.

"From what I know, his mother was transferred somewhere far from Sun City Summerlin, so he should be okay." I exhaled, hoping that wherever Reid was, he was okay.

"Wheels up in 20." I announced as the team stood up, getting ready to head to Vegas.

With two bodies found, the idea of police and possibly even the BAU being involved didn't phase me. I had been involved in so many cases that staying hidden was my best option. But, there was one more person who I needed to kill at all costs; Dr. Mitchell Cambell.

He was my main target. He killed my mother, acting as "the angel of death". He not only killed her, but he covered it up and paid others to cover it up as well.

I knew that killing Cambell would be a mistake, considering he was my main target, so I decided to lay low for a day or two, allow the police, and my former colleagues to really try and figure out what was going on before I dropped another body at their doorstep.

I found an abandoned building, deciding that as long as I stayed off the grid, I wouldn't be found for a while.

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