29. UnSub?

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I had kept up with Chief Connor, getting regular updates about any and all evidence that had been found. I sent most of the evidence to either JJ or Garcia. Even with any new information, both of them constantly asked about Spencer, and if he was okay.

Rossi often helped me give them peace of mind, which was great, especially since my theories as to Spencer's involvement in the crime had increased.

The longer Spencer had been away, the more suspicious of him I got. I had been communicating with Garcia, finding out anything I could about Diana Reid's medical history.

"Garcia, who was the primary coroner in charge of Diana Reid's autopsy?" I questioned as I heard the sound of Garcia's keyboard.

"That would be...oh my." She stopped, clearly shocked by her discovery.

"Who is it Garcia?" I asked, hearing the hesitation in her voice.

"Nathaniel Sanders." Garcia explained.

"And let me guess, Philip Santiago was in charge of her toxicology report?" I rolled my eyes, already knowing the answer.

"Uh-huh. Here are the images from the autopsy and here is the toxicology report." Garcia showed me the images on her screen, allowing me time to look at them.

"Hotch, there was something about the images that didn't make sense." Garcia spoke, confusing me. She had clearly seen something that I didn't.

"Go for it, Garcia. What did you see?" I smiled, looking at the images.

"On her arm, more specifically her left arm, there is a spot, do you see it?" Garcia questioned as she pointed to the enlarged image focusing on the spot.

"Yes. It looks like an injection mark." I watched as Garcia nodded, happy that I picked up what she was hinting at.

"The injection spot looks like it was inflicted recently, probably days or even hours prior to her death, yet the toxicology report in the system shows no signs of alcohol or drugs." Garcia explained.

"So, either nothing was injected into her system, or the toxicology report was edited and faked." I rolled my eyes, having a bad feeling about this.

"Before you ask me, yes. I've already contacted Chief Connor and asked her to get the paper version of the toxicology report. It should be here any minute now." Garcia smiled before we both looked at the screen, seeing an email from Chief Connor.

"Right on time. Let's see what the REAL report says." Garcia exhaled, opening the email and clicking on the image.

"H- Hotch, please tell me you're seeing this too?" Garcia's voice changed from shocked to concerned.

"Yes. I am Garcia. Diana Reid didn't die by natural causes like the autopsy said. She was killed using a dangerously high dosage of Diphenhydramine." I exhaled, rubbing my forehead in annoyance.

Spencer must have figured this out, and that's why he's been in Vegas longer than he initially asked.

I left Garcia's office and got Rossi to follow me to mine. I shut and locked my office door, Rossi looking at me in confusion.

"I had Garcia look into Diana Reid's medical history and - as you know - Diana died a few weeks ago. Her autopsy report said that she died of natural causes, but comparing her autopsy images and a faked toxicology report, Garcia and I believe that someone injected a dangerously high amount of Diphenhydramine into her system, which is what would've actually killed her." I explained everything to Rossi, who definitely looked shocked.

"So, we have a faked toxicology report? That seems like a motive for murder, but that means..." Rossi's eyes widened when he had the same thought that I did.

"I think Spencer is our UnSub." I finally let my theory out. It had been in my head for a few days now, but with the added evidence, Spencer being the UnSub seemed most likely.

"What do we tell the team?" Rossi questioned as he sat across from me, stroking his slightly longer beard.

"We can't tell them, or at least, not yet. Telling them that Spencer is our UnSub might throw them off. The last thing we need is our team being thrown off right now." I shook my head, exhaling.

"Have you called her? I think it's time, Hotch." Rossi asked as he stood up, unlocking my office door.

"No. I'll call her soon." I nodded my head, allowing Rossi to leave my office. Staring at the wall, I picked up my phone and clicked on my contacts, feeling my heart race at the though of Spencer actually committing murder.

I clicked on her name and waited for her to pick up, which eventually, she did.

Resident Genius 2.0 (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now