chapter 2

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"okay okay, never have i ever made out with someone for more than 4 minutes" almost everyone drank except for gavi even i drank enzo: "wait y/n who did you kiss?" "remember nico?" "our neighbor?!" "enzo it's not a big deal" "we are talking about this when we get home"

"okay anyways, never have i ever found someone attractive from this group" obviously no one drank since they all see each other as brothers. I see gavi and pedri whispering then i see gavi take a shot. Bellerín: "who do you find attractive gavi?" they all started questioning him and it was pretty obvious he meant me so i took a shot as well i mean i wasn't lying "y/n your just a child please don't find anyone attractive" "i'm 17 i'm growing up juli you have to accept it"

i see gavi smile and i start to blush "wait are do these two like each other?" "aye cálate boludo" (hey shut up dumbass) "calma enzo déjala vivir y que es boludo?"(calm down enzo let her live and what is boludo) "it's okay ferran boludo is a saying we say in argentina it means dumbass but we say it in a friendly way don't take it seriously" "thanks y/n"

we continued and soon the most drunk we're everyone but pedri ansu pablo ferran and me my brothers were really drunk."i think we should leave" said pedri "yea pedris right" continued gavi. we all got to the limo and pedri pablo and i sat on one side while ferran and ansu went to go take care of everyone who was drunk it was only enzo julian bellerín frenkie and pique not everyone wanted to go out so it was only us.

"y/n do you want to sit next to me?" "sure but where is pablo sitting?" "next to you" "oh okay" i was tipsy i was aware of what i was doing but words would just come out of my mouth pedri: "i'll be right back i wanna see how the boys are doing" "okay" i hear gavi say.

We stayed silent until i spoke up "so who did you find attractive?" "what?" "i said who did you find attractive?" "oh um i mean you" "oh" "who did you find attractive" "you" pablo looked at me confused not knowing what to do

"hey we just find each other attractive we don't have to like each other the others just said that to piss off my brothers" "yea you're right there's nothing going on between us" that kinda hurt but he was right we just met this morning

y/n:"hey i'm kinda tired and really drunk can i maybe lay on your shoulder" "sure that's fine" i laid on gavis shoulder and soon fell asleep.

"y/n levántate" (y/n get up) i felt someone shaking me "ándate joder forro"(you fuck your self douche)

i get grumpy when i'm woken up and i'm only used to enzo or julian waking me up

"y/n soy yo pablo porque me llamas forro?"
(y/n it's me pablo why are you calling me a duche?) "i'm sorry pablito i'm drunk and i'm cranky when i get woken up" "pablito?" "um anyways let's go pablito" i was really drunk so pablo and pedri let me stay at their apartment while they helped everyone else who was drunk get into theirs,

when pablo got back with pedri they helped me into pablo's bed. "thanks guys for helping me" "yea no problem y/n but u have to go to bed night, goodnight pablo" "goodnight"

pedri leaves and pablo looked back at me "well y/n i'm going to go sleep on the couch goodnig-" "wait pablito just sleep here your beds big enough" "are you sure?" "yea come on" "ok let me go change first"

Pablo's P.O.V.
i get changed ready for bed, since it was hot i just slept with some boxers i enter my room and see y/n starting at me she's just drunk.

i get into bed staring at the ceiling a few minutes later i feel someone hugging me i turn and see y/n she was sleeping i tried waking her up but that didn't work i eventually gave up and put my arm around her. it was kind of comforting i started rubbing her shoulder and soon fell asleep.

y/n's P.O.V.

i wake up with a hand around my waist and a huge headache. i turn over and it's pablo everything from last night is blurry but i remember calling him pablito.

it was saturday so luckily no practice his hand around my waist is really comfortable i eventually fall back asleep.

i wake up and i see my brother starting at me i look to my side shit i'm hugging pablo "heyyy juli" "hey nothing what's wrong with you y/n why are you laying in bed with gavi?" "he was just letting me stay here" "whatever let's go" julian grabs my hand and pulls me away "ow" he rolls his eyes and we walk to out apartment

AN: hey guys idk how i feel abt this chapter but ok i hope you guys like it pls give me suggestions bye

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