chapter 10

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november 30 2022
it was Argentina's 3rd game. it was against poland

at least i got to see lewandowski but other than that most of the other poland players were rude from my experience.

i was also happy because remember violetta the show im obsessed with? well she is dating rodrigo de paul so she's coming today

plus we are friends she couldn't make it to the last other games because she's on tour but she told me she would come to this game and i can't wait to see her.

i'm in pablo's hotel room right now he's getting ready to go to the game with me

"amor do i seem to fan boy if i were messi's shirt, hat, glasses, and shorts?" pablo loved messi

"no amor obviously not but let's just bring the shirt and pants okay?" i want to get him an autograph for christmas.

"y/n come on we are going to be late" pablo says getting his things

as we are in the car pablo starts blabbing about messi "okay so what if he notices a guy with messi's hat and glasses? and what if i brought them he would notice me! and what if i shout really loudly and he's like 'oh my yerba mate' that's the barcelona player with the number 30 the same number i used to have"

"pablo hunny your stressed and what do you mean 'oh my yerba mate'?" i asked laughing

"well argentinian's have a different language so instead of saying oh my god i figured they say things like oh my yerba mate" pablo said

"no amor we don't say that in argentina" i replied laughing so hard

after we finally got there i went to the locker rooms to see my brothers and everyone else

"i enzo hi julian" i say walking up to them

"hi y/n ready for us to win?" replied julian

"of course! also have you guys seen leo? i want to ask him something" i say asking everyone

"oh he's with anto and the kids" shouts paredes

"gracias ojitos claritos" (thank you clear eyes) i call him that because of his blue eyes

i say messi and tapped him on the shoulder
he turned around and hugged me

"my favorite alvarez!" i laughed and replied "don't let juli hear you"

"what's up y/n?" asked leo "well my boyfriend pab-" i start talking but get interrupted "boyfriend? you aren't allowed to have one"

"enzo and julian know it's okay" i say telling messi

"well anyways my boyfriend is your biggest fan and we still have 30 minutes before the game i was wondering if you can come and say hi?"

"of course anything for my favorite alvarez" messi said walking with me to were pablo was

"pablo!" i shouted and as i was walking towards him i saw a girl kissing him.

tears started forming in my eyes but i didn't run away i stayed there to see what pablo would do and thank god i did

pablo pushed the girl off "get off of my Isa, i have a girlfriend" "she doesn't have to know and plus i'm prettier" the girl replied trying to kiss him again

"no she will know because i'm telling her right now so get away from me because i love my girlfriend and my girlfriend only" i couldn't help but smile

the girl walked away and i went up to pablo "hi you wouldn't believe was this girl did to me she told me she was a fan then she asked for a picture and i said sure and then she ki-"

"i saw everything pablo" i said trying to scare him"

"i didn't kiss her i swear she kissed me i don't like her y/n i swear" he tried to defend himself

"pablo it's okay, i saw everything even the part when you told her you loved me" i smiled

"okay good because it's true, i only want you" he kissed me and i kissed back

"i have a surprise for you pablo" "yea what is it?" i smiled then yelled "leo come out"

"wait leo like lionel?" i shrugged then messi came out and greeted pablo

"nice to meet you i hear you are a great fan" pablo stutters "hi mr best person that's argentinian leo messi sir"

"hey i'm not the best person it's your girlfriend then me and she's like a daughter to me so if you heart her i'll kill you"

"that would be an honor mr lionel messi sir"

pablo was acting like how girls act towards him

"okay hunny i think it's time to go thanks leo for this sorry he's not usually this weird"

i grab pablo and walk to our seats

"i just met messi" pablo said still in shock      

"okay amor we get it"

the game finally started and argentina ended up winning 2-0 so that was good we made it to the round of 16.

while i was happy over my country's win gavi was fan girling over meeting messi 

A/N: so this chapter is kinda short but i decided to post a day early so i hope you like it btw u thought i would make gavi a fan girl cause why not but anyways please vote and leave suggestions byee

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