chapter 9

670 10 1

Pablo's POV

i woke up and tried to hug y/n but she wasn't there

i checked the time and it was 8:00 i have training today so i got up quickly and got ready

after pedri and i got to training i saw y/n taking with ansu

i went up to her and put my hands around her waist and kissed her head

"hola amor" i whispered in her ear

her hands went onto mine and she told ansu "i'll talk to you later i have children to deal with" she said giggling

i saw ansu wink at her and walk away

i turned her around and kissed her and her hands went around my neck

"where did you go this morning?" i asked pulling away from the kiss "enzo and julian wanted me to ride with them and i didn't want to wake you up"

"oh okay why did ansu wink at you?" i asked in a serious tone

"i'm not sure, why jealous?" she said smiling but my expression didn't change

"amor what's wrong he just winked that's all and plus i'm with you" she said frowning

"i know it's just i feel that everyone wants to be with you and sometimes i don't deserve you"
i say looking down

"pablito i don't care if anyone else wants me i only want you. your the only person i want amor" she says kissing me

i feel relived and kiss back

"amor i have to tell you something" she says pulling away "what's wrong?"

"so you know how the world cup is in 1 week" she says "yea?" i reply "well i'll obviously be rooting for argentina so i can't make it to you second game"

"that's alright love but spain is gonna win this cup" i say and she frowns "what's wrong did i do something wrong?" i say

"no it's just i hope argentina wins this cup because my dad would have loved to see argentina win something"

i hug her tight until pedri tells me we have to get to training.

november 21st 2022
Y/ns POV

i just landed in qatar with my brothers and argentina plays tomorrow so i'm excited

pablo's coming to watch the match with me too

when my and my brothers got to our hotel we fell asleep since we were so tired

the next day

i got ready and put on julian's jersey for argentina

after my brothers and i got to the stadium i said hi to everyone then got to my seat

pablo soon came and he wore an argentina jersey for me.

in the first 10 minutes messi got a penalty and scored i was cheering so loudly and saw pablo starting at me smiling the whole time

in the 48th minute the other team scored and pablo patted my back "it's okay amor you'll win this" "yea" i said trying to smile

after 5 minutes saudí scored again and soon the game ended 1-2 saudí winning

the whole team was upset and we all just went to our hotels

I woke up and got ready to go to the spain game

i barley had any motivation since argentina lost their first game but i still went for pablo

i got there a little late and the game had already started

in the 11th minute Olmo scored a goal then in the 21st minute Asensino scored another goal
10 minutes later ferran scored a goal finishing off half time

i ran to the lockers and hugged pablo "you did so good" i kissed pablo but he brushed me off and went to pedri

'is he mad at me?' i thought i got a little upset and sat back at my seat

half time was over and in the 54th minute ferran scored another goal

then in the 74th minute gavi scored and dedicated the goal to pedri

when he made eye contact with me he rolled his eyes and ran off

shortly the game ended and spain won 7-0 getting 2 more goals by soler and morata

i went to go try to talk to gavi but when he saw me he walked away

tears started forming in my eyes and i went to the hotel but ran straight into my room so enzo and julian couldn't see

i cried the whole night

i've been avoiding everyone from spain's team i haven't been answering their texts or calls and i've told enzo and julian to tell them i'm busy

it was the day of argentinas second game it was against mexico

once i got to the stadium i started talking with a boy whose a family member is apart of the selection of argentina

he was my age and he was really funny

the game was about to start and i hugged him goodbye and went to sit down

i feel someone sit next to me. i turn and see pablo

"who's that guy you were talking with?" he says in a serious tone

"what do you care you've been avoiding me for 3 days so fuck off pablo" i say and start to walk off

pablo follows me and grabs my wrist "pablo let go of me"

"i've been avoiding you because i saw an article that said you were dating ansu

"and you believed it? you've got to be kidding me pablo are you serious? what do you think i would ever cheat on you pablo damn it. your the only person i love pablo you the love of my life and you think i would cheat on you. you really can't tell how much i love you, how much i care i about you, you don't know that i would die for you, that if anything every happened to you i would die, you can't tell that these past 4 months have been the best 4 months of my life ?"
tears are coming out of my eyes

"y/n i'm sorry i just got jealous because everyone wants to be with you"

"you're jealous? pablo there are girls much prettier than me who go and hug you everyday girls who have a better chance with you"

"but amor i only want you" pablo says

"and i only want you pablo what do you not get? i would never cheat on you. and i'm disappointed that you think i would"

i start to walk off but pablo grabs my waist and spins me around

"i don't think you would cheat on me i think that those assholes wouldn't know how to control themselves" pablo says and kisses me

the kissing gets a little intense until dibu come and shouts "stop eating my nieces face"

dibu was always like a uncle to me since the day i met him

me and pablo break apart and i realize it's already half times and the score is 0-0

after half times over pablo sits next to me even tho he wasn't allowed in here

we ended up winning 2-0 getting a goal from messi and enzo

we all went out to celebrate and pablo joined us
it was a good night.

A/N: i hope you guys like this chapter it's a long one so enjoy it and please leave suggestions bye

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