chapter 12

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before i post this i just wanna let you guys know that there is some smut because someone dmed me asking for more smut and as you guys ask you'll shall receive but yea enjoy the story

i was watching spains final group stage game it was almost half time and spain was wining by 1

once it was half time i went up to pablo and hugged him

"hola amor" i said hugging his back

"hey y/n we are winning amor" pablo said in a happy tone

"i saw and i'm very proud of you. i'm so proud of you that you deserve an award" i whisper in his ear

he turned around to face me

"and what award would that be?" he said slowly kissing my neck

i pull away from pablo "just wait until tonight" i smirked and walked away while pablo yelled "you can't tease me amor"

after the game was over spain ended up losing and pablo was pissed

when pablo gets mad he takes it out on everyone

"hey amor it's okay if you lost you made it out of the group stages at least" i told pablo rubbing his back trying to comfort him

"y/n i'm not in the mood right now" pablo said in a loud voice

"i'm sorry pablo i just want to make sure your okay that's al-" i started saying but i was soon cut off by pablo

"i told you i'm not in the fucking mood" pablo got louder

i scoffed and walked away mad at pablo. as i was leaving i bumped into a fan of my brothers and i so he asked for an autograph

"oh my god your y/n alvarez right? julian alvarez sister can i have your autograph please i'm a huge fan"

"of course do you want a picture too?" the boy nodded and his friend was taking pictures of us until his hand went around my waist and i soon felt kind of uncomfortable

"also your really pretty can i get you number?" the kid said it in more of a demanding voice that an asking voice

"oh i'm sorry i have a boyfriend" i tried to be as polite because i feel bad making people sad

but he didn't take no for an answer "come on he doesn't have to know"

"i'm good. i love my boyfriend very much i would never cheat on him so please leave me alone"

i started to walk around the guy but he pinned me against the wall

"your giving me your number either the hard way or the easy way"

tears started forming in my eyes and i tried pushing him away

"please get off of me please stop" he finally let go but forcefully

pablo had punched him and was now on top of him "don't ever fucking touch my girlfriend ever again you bitch"

the other guy punched pablo but they soon stopped fighting and i dragged pablo away

"are you okay were are you hurt oh pablo your bleeding okay i'll drive and i'm talking you to your hotel and i'll clean you up" i was freaking out because pablo was bleeding badly

"amor i'm fine as long as your okay i will be fine" i couldn't help but smile at his comment

"im sorry for yelling at you i just got upset me perdonas?(do you forgive me)"

"claro que si(of course)" i reply holding his hand

i then realized "pablo you told the guy i was your girl friend and his friend was recording what if they post it"

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