chapter 16

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it was december 31 2022 i was getting ready to go to a new year's party that pablo and i were invited to

"amor are you ready?" pablo said coming into my room

"yea hold on let me just finish my makeup" i said putting on lipstick

pablo came up to me and pulled me by my waist "i love to party but we have to come home early because i would love to rip this dress off of you"

i laughed and kissed him "let's go hunny"


once i got there i was greeted by sira, ferrans girlfriend "hola y/n how are you?" "hi sira i'm good how are you?" "i'll feel better if we get drinks let's go"

she dragged me away and i turned to pablo who mouthed 'go it's okay'

once we got there we took like 5 shots and soon drunk me was stumbling over to pablo who was talking to someone

i saw that there was no seats so i went up to him "can i?" i slurred out pointing to gavis lap

"of course come on" i sat on his lap and he continued talking to his friend which got me annoyed because i wanted his attention

i started moving on his lap and i felt his hand grip my waist to stop moving me

i got annoyed and went to go dance

while i was dancing i felt hands on my waist and i turned to see pablo

"you have my attention now amor i was talking about something important" he said with puppy eyes

"i don't want you attention anymore" i said crossing my arms

"come on amor" pablo said pulling my hand

"it's 10 minutes until midnight just wait 10 minutes okay?" i kissed pablo and we danced a little more

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR" everyone was shouting and pablo and i kissed

"happy new years amor i love you" "i love you too pablo"

once we said good bye pablo was practically speeding to get home

his hand was on my thigh the whole way there

once we got there the first thing pablo did was take off my dress.


"you know what i realized?" pablo said while we were cuddling in bed undressed

i hummed in response

"ansu is always looking at you a certain way" he said rubbing my shoulder

"really?" i asked surprised "he was basically ripping off your clothes with his eyes tonight"

"pablo the fact that i didn't even pay attention to ansu is proof that i couldn't care less"

" i know you won't ever do anything it's just him who can never take his eyes off of you i mean who can blame him but still i want to punch him in the face sometimes"

i got on top of pablo and kissed him "then you shouldn't worry because like how i won't do anything i won't let him do anything"

he smiled and kissed me "i love you y/n" "i love you too"

january 15 2023
it was the day or barça vs real madrid for the final of the spain super copa

i was sitting in the stands when the game finally started

in the 33rd minute gavi scored a goal and made an 'A+S' sign with his hands which meant argentina + spain then he pointed to me and blew me a kiss

then right before half time lewandowski made a goal

for half time i got caught up with fans so i couldn't see pablo but soon the second half started up again

i'm the 69th(😏) minute pedri made a goal and the game ended 3-1 barca winning the super copa

i took a picture of pablo and posted it

after the match pablo wanted to stay in and spend time with me watching violetta

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after the match pablo wanted to stay in and spend time with me watching violetta

at this point he was a bigger fan than i was

march 1st
i was anxiously sitting on the couch waiting for the boca jr vs patronato

"amor stop stressing the game is starting" pablo said rubbing my back

"pablo you don't get it" "amor i play soccer for a living" "oh yea, shhh it's starting"

i was stressing through the whole thing

but then in the 42nd minute benedetto made a goal

soon the game ended 3-0 boca jr winning

i was so happy i called julian and enzo to brag since they use to play for river plate

"haha boca won and river lost haha" i bragged to my brothers until they hung up

a/n: hi guys i'm so happy because boca jr won the argentina súper copa 💙💛

anyways i hope you guys like this chapter

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