chapter 6

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Gavi and i have been dating for almost a month now. No one knew except for pedri. It was august 5th 2022 gavis birthday

I woke up from someone kissing my jaw and neck.

i rub my eyes and see pablo i can't help but smile.

"good morning birthday boy" "buenos días amor de mi vida" (good morning love of my life) pablo replies between kisses.

i fully wake up and start to kiss pablo wrapping my arms around his neck.

"amor que me vas a regalar para mi cumpleaños!" (love what are you going to give me for my birthday?) pablo says pulling away

"this" i reply pulling him into a kiss "this is my favorite gift then"

i laugh and start to get up.

"wait where are you going?" pablo pouts

"i have to get ready i'm going out with julian" "but it's my birthday"

pablo keeps on begging until i finally give in

"yay i love my birthday" "i swear you are a little boy" pablo gets up and cups my face

"pero mi favorito pibe" (but my favorite boy) he kisses me and i kiss back.

his hands are on my waist and his lips move to my neck.

"pa-pablo pedri is here sto-" but he kisses me again

"your saying you don't want me to kiss you like this?"

he kisses my cheek "or like this?" on my neck and jaw this time

"of course amor but pedri is here" "i'll ask him to leave!"

gavi says too quickly opening his door before i can even respond

"pedri can you go get me some juice from the cow store!?" "that's 5 hours away! " "it's my birthday be nice!" they are shouting at each other

"fine" gavi shuts the door and walks over to me "now we are alone" "oh god gavi fine"

me and pablo were laying in bed cuddling watching violetta

"so she ends up with the guy from mexico?" asks gavi "yea but i was totally team spain" i reply

"yea me too spain and argentina just make the best couple" gavi chuckles

i laugh and look at him "of course amor"
i kiss him and check my phone

3 missed calls from julian
7 missed calls from enzo

"fuck" i mutter "que pasa amor?" (whats wrong love?) gavi asks putting pause

i show him my phone "i'll be right back let me call them" i step outside and call enzo

"hello?" i ask "y/n! why aren't you answering?" "i'm sorry i was busy what's wrong?"

"me and julian were just worried they found a dead girl with all your features on the highway run over"

"oh my god no i'm okay i'm sorry i just uh fell asleep"

"okay i'm just glad your okay" "yea me too" "where are you?"

"i'm with a friend" "with a friend or with pablo" "uh what?" i reply shocked

"i saw you sneak him in over the past few days"

"it's okay if you guys are dating but if he breaks your heart u swea-"

"he won't i promise i think i love him even though it's been so little i think i really do love him"

Pablo's POV

i was getting worried so i went to were y/n was

" i think i love him even though it's been so little i think i really do love him" i heard y/n say over the phone

does she really love me? i've loved her ever since we've been going out but i was just too scared to say it

i walk into the kitchen and tap y/n

"okay enzo i'll see you later"

"hey amor everything's okay they just thought something happened because of an accident on the highway"

"oh okay" i was just staring at her lips

i grab her by her waist and lift her up and place her on the counter

"what are you doing?"

"it's my birthday amor let me"
i start kissing her while holding her neck

we are kissing for about like 3 minutes when she takes off my shirt

soon hers comes off too

i'm about to unbuckle her bra strap when suddenly

*slam* the door opens

"NO GUYS NOT NOW" pedri is back


he's pissed off

i just place my hands all over y/ns front to cover her up

"i'm sorry it was just a birthday gift to him" i hear y/n try to laugh

"nope no go somewhere else not today i already said im too young to-"

"BE AN UNCLE WE KNOW" me and y/n both say at the same time

"just go to your room" pedri says disappointed

me and y/n leave and go laughing

"amor can we just cuddle?"

"whatever you say birthday boy"

me and y/n spent the whole night either kissing or hugging

best birthday ever.

A/N: hey guys ik it's short but i hope you like it

lover <3 - Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now