chapter 19

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A/N: hi i just wanna give you guys a heads up and let you know that cuernos in spanish means both horns and cheating so i will be using that later on

i was sitting on the benches reading a book while i waited for pablo to finish training

"Y/N!" i look up and i see julian running towards me

"What's wrong juli" i asked standing up and carefully placing my book on the chair next to me because those are expensive and i won't drop a book for ANYONE

"enzo he's, he's hurt" he says out of breath "what?" i start running towards the field and see enzo on the floor

"what happened?" i say bending down

"your boyfriend threw the ball on my thigh" i look at his thigh and there is some blood from the scratches

"where is pablo?" "wow thanks for worrying about your brother. i punched him in the face"

"ENZO" i got up and ran inside looking for pablo

"pablo!" i shouted and i finally saw pablo wiping his nose 

"oh god pablo how bad is it" i say going up to him "i just stopped bleeding but i'll be fine can we just leave? i don't care if xavi gets mad"

"yea let's go" i grab pablo's hand and we start walking out when all of a sudden a girl calls out 'gavi'

i turn around and see a pretty girl running over here but she was folding her shirt so you can see her stomach and pulling it down so you can see her boobs

"gavi hey it's me ana" "oh ana hey. this is my girlfriend y/n, amor this is ana my, ex girlfriend

"oh girlfriend? nice to meet you" she gives me a death stare "oh uh hi" i reply

"pablo i missed you so much even when you would sleep with me"

"ana cut it out you know i never had sex with you" "yea but you pleasured me" she says winking

"pablo i'll wait for you in the car ok?" i say walking away "you shouldn't leave your boyfriend alone with someone like me" ana shouts

"i trust my boyfriend ana and plus you're not all that you look like a lizard with fake tits"

"bye amor" pablo's says kissing my cheek

Pablo's POV:
"so pablo are you serious with that girl?" "yes that's the love of my life ana"

"oh well i was looking at a picture of us the other day" she shows me her lock screen which is a photo of us on halloween i was a devil and she was an angel

"mira pablo cuando me pusiste los cuernos"(look pablo when you gave me your horns)

i then go on my phone and search up something "y cuando me pusiste los mios"(and when you gave me yours) i say showing her a photo of her kissing a guy while we were dating

"i already told you u didn't cheat on you okay? he kissed me but anyways i'm single and that girls ugly let's get out of here"

"bye ana" i say walking up to my car and getting in

"amor you will be so proud of me for what i did"

i explained to her and she laughed god i love her laugh

once we got home i showered and changed to cuddle y/n

"violetta?" she asks turning to me "yea of course"

i was staring at her while she was watching tv "god argentina is so beautiful i miss it" she says sighing

"it's beautiful isn't it?" i say and then she turns to look at me "your not even looking at the tv you are looking at me"

"exactly you are beautiful" she smiles and hugs me while putting her face into the crook of my neck

"descansa"(sleep well) i say in a whisper

she soon falls asleep and i can't help just starting at her

i am so in love with this girl and i want to marry her

i love the way her hair bounces when she's happy or how her dimples show when she smiles

i love the way she cares for people and is sweet but doesn't let anyone disrespect her

the way her eyes look against the sun or how she tries to cheer me up when i'm sad

she's the only person to tell me to do something and i wouldn't hesitate to do it

i'm in love with y/n and i love her more than i have ever loved anything

i get up slowly out of bed and call julian and enzo

"i want to get y/n a ring" "you want to marry her?" i hear enzo say "no a promise ring can i just go pick you guys up?"

they agreed and i went to pick them up

"okay let's go to the nearest ring shop"

A/N: hi guys sorry for not posting i'm having too much fun in spain

i can't believe i go back to argentina wednesday:((

but yea also don't ask why i'm posting this at 3:00 am i'm still used to argentina time and it would be 11 right now

but anyways this story is coming to an end there is only like 4 chapters left

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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