chapter 7

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August 12th 2022
its pablo and i's one month together.

i got up early to go buy him some things i bought him a sweatshirt some candy and wrote him a note.

the candy was snickers, swedish fish, twix and m & m's

the letter i wrote said
dear pablo, happy one month together
i can't believe we've been together for already one month. i love spending time with you and love when your with me, if i'm ever sad you know and try to cheer me up even if i say i'm fine you know whenever something's wrong. you always make time for me no matter what and you even have watched violetta millions of times even if you tired of it just for me. i remember when we watched that scary movie and you stayed up with me the whole night just so i wasn't scared, we weren't even dating yet, but you still made sure i was okay. words can't explain how much i care about you and i wish we would spend every day together. i hope you aren't tired of me yet amor. chau(bye)

i put it all in a basket and put it on my desk while i got ready to go out with him

i put on a pretty blue dress his favorite color i got some black shoes to go with it and a black purse.

gavi texted me and told me he was outside i grabbed the basket and went downstairs

i was in a rush so i didn't bring a jacket

once i got in the car gavi pulled me into a giant kiss

"hola mi amor"(hello my love) "hi pablito" gavi handed me a bouquet of ceibos they are my favorite because they are argentinian

"oh my god these are my favorite how did you get them they are so hard to find"

"i ordered them the second we started dating it would take 3 week to get here and i've been taking care of them"

"oh pablo i love them thank you" i then handed him the basket

after he read the note he pulled me into a kiss "im not tired of you love" and we went to the restaurant

once we entered there was this table set up with roses and lights on the balcony.

we sat down and the food was already made pablo had ordered my favorite dish shrimp alfredo with cheese raviolis.

"you know me so well pablito how did i get so lucky to be with someone like you?"

"no i'm the lucky one your the best thing that has ever happened to me my love"

i couldn't help but blush and kiss him

after me and pablo ate we were in his drivers car and all of a sudden his hand is on my thigh.

as time goes by his hand starts moving up

my breathing is getting louder and i think he noticed because he smirked

his hands reached my inner thigh and his hand started moving i bit my lip to not make a sound

i couldn't help it and a mix of a moan and a hiccup left my lips

"pablo wait until we get home" gavis hand moved and i was a little disappointed

after we reached his apartment we couldn't get out hands off each other we got to his room and he locked the door

his hands soon found the zipper to my dress and in between muffled kisses he asked "can i?" i nodded my head fast

my dress soon fell off and i was in my bra and underwear

i took off pablo's shirt and pants while we were making out

his hands were on my lower waist and mine were on his hair

then he picks me up and gently lays me on the bed while he starts kissing my neck

his lips start moving down leaving wet kisses on my body

he finally reaches my lower stomach and looks up at me "quieres que lo haga?" (do you want me to do it?) "si estoy lista"(yes i'm ready)

he starts moving in my thighs and soon gets in between my thighs

"pablo oh my-"

then a bang on the door

"hey pedri still lives here and he can here every thing so keep it down"

gavi doesn't stop to listen he keeps going while my eyes can't even open.

i'm laying in bed with pablo we are both undressed

"amor. estás bien? no has hablado desde lo qué pasó.(love are guy okay? you haven't talked since what happened)

"si estoy bien solo que eso ere mi,"(yea i'm fine it's just that was my,)

"i understand, it was mine too but it was with you and i'm okay with that."

i smile and kiss pablo while his hands wrap around my wait.

we spent the rest of the night cuddling.

i woke up and got dressed walking to my apartment a few doors down

once i get there i see my brothers

"oh my god" i hear julian say

"what is something wrong?" i reply suddenly scared

"you're allowed to be here? it's just that your always at pablo's i thought you were dead" he says in a sarcastic tone

i roll my eyes and go to the kitchen "well him and i are dating now so what do you except"

"yeah enzo told me it's okay but if he makes you even think about being sad i will kill him"

"please don't kill my first boyfriend"

i go and hug julian and we watch a movie

"he should have dinner with us tomorrow night i want to get to know him better"

"okay then we will have it tomorrow night you enzo pablo and i"

after the movie finished i went and told pablo and he agreed.

a/n: i hope you guys like this chapter please give me ideas if you have any and vote please. bye

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