chapter 4

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i woke up and looked around for gavi but he was no where to be found.

i put on one of his t-shirts because my pajamas were really short

i walk into the kitchen and see pedri watching tv  "hey y/n" "hi" "why are you coming out of gavis room?" "oh i crashed there last night" "oh?" "what?" "no it's nothing it's just you've been sleeping over a lot lately don't you think?" "i mean gavis my best friend" "ok ok whatever you say"

"anyways where is pablo?" "he went to the corner store to get snacks, we are having a bro day" "oh okay then i'll get going""okay bye y/n" "bye"

i go get my stuff and start to walk out when pablo walks in "hey" "hi" "where are you going?" "back to my apartment you and pedri are having a bro day right?" "oh yea" "bye"

i walk out and go to my apartment i walk in and see julian "hey juli" "hey where were you?" "oh uh u slept over at gavis" "mm" " what" "you've been sleeping over there a lot haven't you?" "pedri said the same thing" "maybe that's saying something like i don't know you spending too much time with him?" "no hes just my best friend"

"hm well me and enzo are leaving so your staying here alone" "oh okay" i didn't like being alone but i had to deal with it

enzo and julian left and i started watching the vampire diaries my favorite show but soon i went to sleep because i was pretty tired

i woke up because i heard a know on the door i went to open it and saw that it was gavi "hey" "hey come in" gavi walked over to my kitchen and i walk over

i see him look me up and down and i blush i realize i still have his shirt on "oh i hope you don't mind i grabbed it today when u woke up" "oh i don't mind at all" "so what's up?" "oh pedri had to leave so he's showering so i figured i would come and check up on you because i saw enzo and julian leave."

"oh i fell asleep for a little so i'm great" "also i was wondering if you would want to come and watch a movie with me"

"that would be great just let me clean up here a little bit" "let me help you" me and pablo started cleaning the bathroom my room the kitchen and the living room

"thanks for helping me" "no problem" "we should get going" "yea come on"

we get to the apartment and see pedri putting on his shoes "hey guys" "hey" "ok i'm already late to go to my moms house so i'll see you guys later"

pedri stops on his way out and looks at us "hey i totally ship this but i'm to young to be an uncle so no babies yet okay?"

gavi rolls his eyes "we are just friends you know there is nothing going on bro" i felt a little sad but ignored it and say in the couch

pedri left and me and pablo went to his room to watch a movie i laid down next to him and our hands are really close but not touching

i lay my head on his shoulder and he wraps his hand around my waist we start watching a horror movie and i got scared so pablo just hugged me tighter

the movie was coming to an end and the dad dies it reminded me of my dad and i started tearing up but tried not to move so gavi wouldn't notice.

"hey you okay" i nod gavi lifts my head to face him "hey what's wrong? why are you crying" "the dad died and it reminded me of mine. i'm being dramatic i'm sorry" i wipe my tears getting up

pablo grabs my wrist and pulls me into a hug "it's okay to cry your not being dramatic i know you miss him amor" "amor?" "no te gusta el nombre" (you don't like the ñame?") i look up to him and smile "i love it" and he hugs me tighter

after crying pablo started making us food and soon after we ate we watched another movie and i fell asleep hugging him

pablo's POV

she was sleeping in between my arms and i just couldn't stop starting at her i think i'm in love with her but she would never like me i think she likes pedri she's always looking at him

we've been friends for almost 3 months now but i want to be more she hugs me tighter and starts shaking i think she's having a bad dream

"y/n wake up" she jumps startled "what happened" "you had a bad dream it's okay tho i'm here" she was still half asleep

"thanks amor your always there for me when i need you and i'm so thankful i have you i love you so so much" i stand there still as she hugs me and starts sleeping again

i don't know what to think she just told me she loves me maybe she likes me? i'm so confused

i turned off the tv and turn to face her i give her a kiss on her fore head and fall asleep.

A/N hi guys u hope you like this chapter i worked hard on it please leave suggestions and vote bye

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