chapter 5

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I woke up hugging Pablo. I checked the time and saw it was 9:00 AM. I started to get out of bed slowly so i wouldn't wake Pablo out.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through instagram until i saw a post that claimed Pablo was dating me.

I just laughed and commented 'we are just really close friends there's nothing going on'

i wish that was a lie.

"Hmm, we're just friends." I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around and see Pablo staring at me.

"Uh, I mean, yeah?" I reply

"So me calling you amor wasn't a hint that i li-" My phone started to ring, interrupting him. It was Enzo.

"Enzo's calling me"

"Oh" I see Gavi roll his eyes as he replied. "Pick up"

"Okay i'll be right back." I say and walk into the bathroom.

"Hello" I answer the phone.

"Hey y/n, Julian and I are at the store right now, do you want anything?" Enzo asks.

"can you please bring me sour strips please?"

"Yeah, okay, bye."


I walked out of the bathroom and went back to Pablo.

"So, what were you saying before?" I ask Gavi, looking at him as he sits down on the bed.

"Oh, it's nothing. it's fine. Forget about it." he replies.

"Okay..." I say before going and sitting down next to him, placing my head on his shoulder. "You know I don't think we are just friends right?" I say to him as he puts his arm around my waist.

"So then, what do you think we are?" He replies.

"I'm not sure but if we tell the public, then people will hate on you for liking someone like me and i don't want that." I say looking up at him.

"What do you mean 'someone like you'?" He replies, looking down at me.

"Someone not good enough, someone ugly, not perfect for someone like you." I look down but his fingers lift up my chin to face him.

"You're beautiful. Don't ever think you aren't. And who cares about what other people say. You're perfect." He states.

"really?" I reply, smiling at his words.

"Yes." he whispers, getting closer to me. I lean in and kiss him.

i've been waiting for this moment for so long.

His hand goes under my shirt and traces my spine while i grab his hair.

I can barley breathe and while one of his hands are in my back, the other is on my neck, his mouth starts moving down from my lips to my neck, staying and kissing one spot.

I'm still grabbing his neck when suddenly the door bursts open. Yet Gavi doesn't stop.

"WHOA, calm down buddy." Pedri says, covering his eyes. Gavi pulls away from me.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Gavi ask.

"I came early from my moms house. What were you two doing?" He smirks.

"Nothing" I answer quickly.

"that didn't look like nothing"

"Pedri just get out please. Y/n and i need privacy." Gavi says and pedri looks offended.

"Okay fine. but no kids. I don't want to be an uncle yet." Pablo and i roll our eyes as pedri closes the door.

Pablo gets up to lock it and looks at me "where were we?"

"i don't know pablo i should get going" i say staring at him

"no come on i wasn't done" he's saying while starting at my neck.

"fine" i reply as he gets on top of me. We go back to kissing and he finished what he was doing to my neck.

We laid in bed after "do you want to be my girlfriend" he breaks the silence.

"What?" "i want to be your boyfriend" "but the people are gon-" "i don't care what the people say i want to"

"then okay i'll be your girlfriend" he hugs me and pulls me in to kiss him.

"But can we keep this on private for a while? i don't want my brothers to know" i say pulling away.

"of course amor"

A couple hours later i go back to me apartment and take a shower.

When i get out of my room i see enzo on the couch

"hey enzo" "hey" "where's julian?" "he's out at the mall" "oh okay" i walk over and sit next to him.

"Y/n can I ask you a question?" says Enzo after a bit  "yea sure?" "que putas esta en tu cuello?" (what the fuck is on your neck"

"what do you mean?" "you have a hickey on you goddamn neck!"

i stand up away from enzo "i just burnt myself with the curling iron last night i swear"

enzo gets up "who gave you that hickey?!" "IT'S A BURN" "who gave it to you? A rando? someone from our team?"

I hear the doorbell ring. I open it and it's pablo. Great timing i think to myself. "was it him?" "what did i do?" asks pablo

"did you give that hickey to my sister?"

"i uh" pablo hesitates "eres un wacho re atrevido" (you are a really daring dude)

"i swear i didn't mean to but i really like her" i smile at pablo "get out pablo please and you too y/n" tears are forming in my eyes.

My brother is really disappointed in me. Gavi puts his hand over my shoulder and takes me too his apartment.

"It's okay love he'll get over it" says gavi while i'm crying in his arms. "i feel like a terrible person" i say in between gasps "no you aren't"

I cry in pablo's arms for about an hour until i finally fall asleep.

Pablo's POV

I feel terrible she got in trouble because of me, she was crying because of me.

It was 3AM and i couldn't sleep thinking about y/n sad, it shattered my heart. Y/n woke up suddenly startled.

"What time is it?" i hear her say "3:47" "why are you still up?" "can't sleep"

She suddenly climbed onto my lap "i'm so grateful to have you thank you for helping me today" she tells me kissing me.

My hands are on her back "i'm so happy i have you too love" i reply. She lays down on me and falls asleep. I soon fall asleep hugging her.

A/N: hey guys new chapter sorry it's kinda short. Also a big thanks to _Athena__32 for helping me correct my grammar their story is also great it's in my reading list

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