chapter 15

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after my brothers, pablo and i got back from argentina everything continued the same

i was at barças practice and it was an open training

while i was sitting a guy came over to me

"hey" he said sitting down "oh uh hi" "are you here by yourself?" "oh i'm here for my brothers and my boyf-" i was about to say pablo but he interrupted me

"oh that's cool. you're really pretty" "thank you" "can i get you number?" he suddenly put his hand on my shoulder

"oh actually i'm sorry i have a boy-" before i could finish my sentence a ball hit the boy in the face

i turned to the field and saw pablo and enzo laughing "glad there finally getting along" i mumbled

the guy got up and left mad while pablo approached me

"can i get your number?" pablo said mimicking the guy "hey you know i only have eyes for you" i said hugging him

"this fees so nice" he whispered "what feels nice" "this me being able to hug you in public and kiss you because people know now i'm just glad that i don't have to hide you anymore"

i smiled at the comment he made and pulled out of the hug to kiss him

"i love you pablo" "i love you too amor" me and pablo separate and i have tears in my eyes

"don't cry okay? i love you so so much" "pablo that's just making me cry more" i say laughing a bit

"okay well why don't we go out to dinner tonight?" pablo suggests "can't i'm babysitting olivia" i say frowning

"sometimes i forget enzo has a whole wife and daughter" "yea me too, and he's my brother"

"tell me again why enzo lived with you guys the first month of being here?" pablo asks curious

"well his wife and daughter hadn't come to spain yet so he stayed with us in what they came and settled down and enzo finally moved out" i say grinning

"GAVI GET BACK TO TRAINING" i heard xavi yell behind gavi

"okay well just come over later and help me with olí"

pablo nodded and kissed me while running back so he won't get yelled at again


i was laying on the couch when i heard the door bell ring

i opened the door and pablo was holding a bouquet of flowers and some kid toys

i posted the flowers on my story

i heard the doorbell again and this time it was enzo with olivia

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i heard the doorbell again and this time it was enzo with olivia

"hey enzo, and hi beautiful princess" i said picking up olí

"titi!" olí said happily "okay sis i have to go now so bye love you, pablo if anything happens to my daughter i'll kill you" enzo runs away

olís eyes lit up as she saw pablo "olí this is my boyfriend pablo" "he's cute" pablo got happy and started playing with her

soon olí fell asleep and i took a picture of her on me

while pablo placed her on my bed i started cooking for us

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while pablo placed her on my bed i started cooking for us

pablo came back and hugged me from behind
"she likes me" i could feel his smile "i know she also thinks your cute" i said while giggling

"you're great with kids y/n" pablo's hands go from my waist to under my shirt

"so are you pablo gavi" i said while breathing harder and harder

"well y/n alvarez i love the way you are with kids so much i want to have some with you"

"i want to have kids as well but we are both still going on with our life's pablo maybe in the future"

"i know in the future dummy obviously i see you in my future" he says while kissing my neck

after i finished cooking pablo and i sat on the couch and watched a movie

i fell asleep on his shoulder with a blanket over us

Pablo's POV
after about an hour that y/n had fell asleep on me olí woke up so i slowly put y/ns head on the couch

"olí are you hungry?" i said picking her up "yes please give me food mr pretty guy" i chuckled and gave her the mac n cheese y/n made her

y/ns POV
i woke up and i saw pablo playing with olí i couldnt help but smile

"playing without me i see" i put on a fake offended face

"come play titi" olí said happily "yea come on and play with us" joined in pablo

i got up and hugged them then started playing with them

soon we watched a movie olí wanted to watch and fell asleep

hey guys i hope you like this chapter i'm sorry it's kinda wack i promise i'll try to do better next chapter 🤍🤍

also more pablo and enzo/ olivia and pablo content?

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